Climate anxiety is a feeling of dread or panic that can arise from thinking or worrying about climate change. For some, it’s the fear of heatwaves, floods, species extinction, and natural disasters.
Its getting worst
Research indicates that climate-related anxiety is rising and that it leads to emotional exhaustion and burnout.
You know the mantra: Change is inevitable. The climate change we are experiencing is no exception.
Climate change has a significant effect on human mental health.
In recent years, the field of psychology has realized that climate change has a significant effect on human mental health.
Therapists are still learning how to provide treatment for people with these anxieties, as they come to realize they’re more prevalent than believed.
The term most commonly used is “climate anxiety,” which is described by psychologist Renee Lertzman as “a response to the constant drumbeat of fear-inducing messages about climate change and its increasingly evident impacts, as well as frustrations related to what we perceive as collective inaction.”
Be considerate before commenting negatively on someone posts when they are doing their best to promote awareness
This goes especially for pages for young activists who are still struggling with what the hell is happening when it comes to climate change. As much as their accounts are managed by adults, they get to see the interactions on their pages. So yes, they see what you comment. Unless your goal is bullying, which we are not supporting, we know why bullies do what they do.
Before clicking that button to publish your comment, judge if it will be helpful, supportive, informative constructively, It is something you would be okay to tell your own kid, does it build, just to mention a few.
Your goal should always be to build them, not destroy them. If you disagree with what you see, you have your own page to raise the concern in a constructive manner.
Good job to the big sisters and brothers for stepping in and calling out the negativity 👏❤️🙏
Always Remember
How to change the world:
• spread positivity
• bring people up instead of dragging them down
• treat others the way you wish to be treated
― Germany Kent

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