Hiking is the answer

Hiking is the answer

Hiking is the answer, if you feel overwhelmed and almost giving up on something you are working on or yourself.

Do you feel as if there’s no thing that has a point in life? You don’t see the need to do anything or be with anyone , any more. It’s like no life is left with you. You are in auto play mode , just doing stuff for the sake of it. No motivation or will within.

If you had a way out, you would gladly take it. But unfortunately, you can’t see any. So you just operate like a zombie gone back to life. Nothing excites you more. Not even your favorite Netflix show or game or your lovely pet. The whole point is gone and you are stuck with yourself.

What qualifies to be a hike?

It involves a long walk or walking tour.

But don’t confuse it to be just a walk.

The difference is that hiking is when you are walking through a natural scenery or on a mountain. Hiking mostly takes place in mountainous or hilly areas -forests, mountains, and reserved parks. It’s more difficult than walking and might require to using more effort and energy, depending on the terrain

How is hiking an answer?

Few years ago, I was super stressed and like usual, i like to hide in such moments. I would give the fake plastic smiles and do my best to spend indoors. But this time it was different. Even my indoors seem not to be a solution this particular day.

I switched from one tv channel to another, tried to sleep and even tried to meditate. But nothing worked.

Just when I was about to give up and give in to the frustration. A friend texted me to join them for a hike. I was hesitant at first but I thought to myself.What do I have to lose. After all, am out of options to drive away the stress that was trying to penetrate my space.

Grabbed my boots and needed supplies. Weakly made my way to our meeting point. I continued with my plastic smile which now felt like a chore. Luckly, my friend talk less so i survived.

As we hiked up the mountain, thoughts made several mixed up rounds inside my head. But things changed when we got to trails where there was vegetation on both sides. There was fresher air, some sense of calmness and my nerves started to losen up.

As we hiked up, i could feel the stress leaving my brain and concentration directed to my body. I could feel the effect of the changing altitude, steepness effect on my knees and the view from up there offered a reason for a true genuine smile.

The higher we went, the further my problems felt. I was eager to make it to the top, and that was my point. Yeah, I had a point once more. I had a reason to push me up the mountain. My goal was the peak and I was not going to allow anything prevents that. Not even my too tired feet.

I literally held my waist as if i was pushing myself up. I concentration everything in me towards this goal.

By the time I made it to the peak, my morale was back. I could feel like myself once more. I was able to overcome my stress episode with one tough hike. And hence became my rescue incase i need that extra push.Or just looking for a good time.


Hiking allows you to use everything in you. Body, spirit and soul. Offers you support from the nature surrounding it. Exposes you to extremely important exercise.

Give it a try and you will enjoy the results.

19 thoughts on “Hiking is the answer”

  1. A few years ago I took advantage of the hiking trails located in Central Park. I enjoyed that. I felt safe because the Parks Department patrols and there are many other hikers. Also when I got tired I could leave the trail and get back on the subway train. I have trouble negotiating inclines so I avoid those. I’ve also enjoyed walks through Prospect Park in Brooklyn. In good weather I do lots of walking which I call Soulful Struts. Walking gives me the opportunity to take plenty of photos.
    Right now it’s freezing in New York City so I eagerly await the dawn of Spring.

      • Thanks. There are more wilderness type hikes available in upstate New York where it’s more rural and years ago when I was much younger I participated in those. I would like to go to upstate New York again but right now my budget doesn’t allow and I no longer drive since my eyesight is not good.

  2. This is so true! I always hiked moderately. A few years ago I started participating in the 52 Hike Challenge as a way to deal with anxiety and depression related to a chronic illness and that experience has completely changed by life. I now define my life and the way I spend the time by how much I can spend outside in nature instead of how much I get get done at work or in terms of chores. I’m so much happier! Thanks for sharing this!

    • I love this and thank you very much for sharing it with us. It will help someone somewhere who has pain and don’t know what to do about it. Every step while hiking offloads pain in both our hearts and soul.

  3. Hi Che Che, DHL requires your phone number, please email, msandorm@verizon.net, so it’s private. If I get all the information today I can mail on Mon. or Tues.
    I can’t wait for you and family to receive. It’s not a huge deal but it is for me. I know everyone will like. I love sharing the joy. We’ve made a connection and good will around the globe. Hugs Say hello to Ester for me.

    • Hey Melinda,. This is a huge deal for me. We connected and became best friends almost instantly. Am always grateful to God for making us cross paths. You are one of my important inspiration. I appreciate every single word, comment and everything that comes from you. I have introduced you to my family and they equally like you. Thank you very much.

  4. Hiking certainly can take stress out of mind. My simple understanding is when one is walking body and mind needs to concentrate on the immediate need of providing energy for the work. So other unnecessary thoughts that cloud our mind if sitting idle, are not given importance. Talking to fellow hikers also help in washing away thoughts and worries like a gust of wind washes away dirt and pollution.

  5. I felt like I was reading my life experience with how I started hiking and what hiking means to me. Hiking is most beautiful thing happend to me. Everytime I go on hiking with my family I feel rejuvenated. Plus its me and my family time in lap of mother nature.


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