The Complete Guide to Soil and Why It Matters for Your Garden

The Complete Guide to Soil and Why It Matters for Your Garden

Introduction: What is Soil? Soil Types and Their Properties Soil is the key component to plant growth. It provides nutrients for the plants to grow, protects the roots, and supports plant growth. Soil also provides a habitat for microorganisms that play an important role in decomposition and nutrient cycling. Soil is further broken into topsoil, … Read more

Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides

Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides

Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides. Not only will they make our roads more appealing, but they will also be vital in curbing climate change. We all know that trees breathe in the carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Which we need for survival. Hence very important … Read more