Theme: Wetlands Action for People and Nature.

When it comes to events on the international calendar, nothing beats World Wetlands Day. That is because World Wetlands Day is a celebration of the world’s wetlands for people and nature – and a chance to take action to protect them. The theme for World Wetlands Day 2022 will be “Wetlands Action for People and Nature”.

The genesis of the World Wetland Day

An annual event aims to raise awareness and action for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. The first World Wetlands Day was held on 2 February 1971 and celebrated around the world every year since then. It was declared as an official United Nations day at the 27th meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Ramsar, Iran, on 2 February 1994, with all countries being requested to observe it each year. Every year, events are organized at global, national, and local levels to bring alive the conservation message on February 2nd.


It is an annual observance devoted to wetlands to raise awareness, inform policymakers and encourage the participation of individuals, communities, and organizations in wetland protection and sustainable use.

Wetlands Action for People and Nature

This year’s theme reminds us how connected we are to nature and our vital role in her restoration.
Almost all problems facing our planet today are human-caused. Our negative activities continue to promote climate change that has adversely affected our environment.
Wetlands have been grabbed and turned into farms or settlements. Promoting huge losses when floods come. As the waterbodies always remember the course.
With the rising temperatures, we need to curb global warming. This will be possible if we grow enough trees, hence having the needed forest cover. These forests thrive best where wetlands exist.


Let us protect our wetlands for a healthy planet.

2 thoughts on “WORLD WETLANDS DAY 2022”

  1. Here in Denmark many lakes have been drenched for agricultural use. Now environment organizations started to reestablish some of the lakes, which has drawn a great number of birds to the areas. Definitely a win situation.

    • That’s great, reclaiming of wetlands plus other waterbodies do attract wildlife especially birds and insects to the area. Great job, this is the progress we need for all lost waterbodies. 👌👏👏👏


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