30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Ditch disposable choose reusable

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Ditch disposable choose reusable

Ditch disposable choose reusable.

Disposable may seem convenient and easy to get rid off. But the problem lies on their final destination. They end up in our water bodies, causing death, suffocation an other life-threating situation to the living organism.

Anything that can only be used once, is not good for our environment. As most of them are made out of plastics and other materials that take years to decompose back to nature.

If you can’t reuse, refuse.

Reusable helps to save our planet from pollution. Saves you money too.

They are used over a good period of time. And once disposed of, can easily be recycled to something else.

Ditch disposable choose reusable, for a better and healthier planet

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