Plastic-Free Bathrooms

Plastic-Free Bathrooms

Plastic-Free July continues, and today we explore plastic-free bathrooms. Remembering that we are not after perfection, but rather progress.  After kitchens, bathrooms happen to be one of the most flooded places with plastics. Lucky for us, we have been provided eco-friendly options by our creative friends.  These includes: Wooden toothbrushes: We now have a bamboo … Read more

Nairobi City County Plastic Control (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Nairobi City County Plastic Control (Amendment) Bill, 2021

It a proposed Bill in the Nairobi County Assembly banning food and food products wrapped in plastic bags If this bill is passed, Nairobi occupants risk a fine of Sh4 million fine or face a four-year jail term or both if found with the single used utensils used for food and food products takeaways. This … Read more

What’s next for Plastics after the 4 Rs?

What’s next for Plastics after the 4 Rs

Let’s explore here, what’s next for plastics after the 4 Rs? That is, after recycling, refusing, reusing, and reducing. The plastics eventually end up useless, and unable to be used anymore. What have we planned for our plastics? The 4 Rs are good for the plastics already existing Plastic pollution will stick around for a … Read more

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire

Where There's Smoke There's Fire

Smoke is a clear sign of something brewing up. The decision taken afterward determines the outcomes. If ignored, the fire may destroy everything. But if we bother to check out, we may save the day. It has been more than a month now since we heard the rumors of Kenya being used as a hub … Read more

Companies Should be Responsible for Their Contribution To Plastic Pollution

Companies Should be Responsible for Their Contribution To Plastic Pollution

Companies Should be Responsible for Their Contribution To Plastic Pollution and avoid making us believe that we can not live without plastic. After being tagged to various plastic packagings found in the oceans. The involved companies are now driving a narrative that doesn’t sit well with our environment. They are blaming it on our consumption and use of their plastic packings.

A Concern About Some Wildlife and Environment Institutions

A Concern About Some Wildlife and Environment Institutions

A Concern About Some Wildlife and Environment Institutions When it comes to environment and wildlife, we may have numerous organizations and institutions tasked with ensuring that we all do right by them. They have been set up to ensure we don’t harm the environment or violate wildlife rights. But are they doing enough? And are … Read more

Our Oceans are not Dumpsites

Our Oceans are not Dumpsites

Our Oceans are not Dumpsites. It’s sad that we have to be reminded of this so many times, and not make the required corrections. From individuals, organizations and anyone living near water bodies. Why do we have to threaten the lives of organisms living in these habitats? They too have a right to a clean … Read more

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Demand sustainable palm oil, Embrace minimalism and Learn to refuse.

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Demand sustainable palm oil, Embrace minimalism and Learn to refuse. Throughout the challenge, we have been able to learn what we need to adjust to our lifestyles. In an effort to recreate a better and healthier planet. Today being our final day, we get to learn of … Read more

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Ditch disposable choose reusable

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Ditch disposable choose reusable

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Ditch disposable choose reusable Ditch disposable choose reusable. Disposable may seem convenient and easy to get rid off. But the problem lies on their final destination. They end up in our water bodies, causing death, suffocation an other life-threating situation to the living organism. Anything that can … Read more

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Go plastic-free today.

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Go plastic-free today.

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Go plastic-free today. Go plastic-free today REDUCE, REFUSE, REUSE, RECYCLE PLASTIC BAGS Do something drastic, cut the plastic! If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired. rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production. Pete Seeger