The Great Debate: Is Recycling Effective in the Fight Against Plastic Pollution?

The Great Debate: Is Recycling Effective in the Fight Against Plastic Pollution?

Plastic pollution has reached alarming levels, prompting individuals, governments, and organizations worldwide to seek solutions. Recycling has long been hailed as a vital tool in combating plastic waste, but recent debates have arisen surrounding its effectiveness. Recycling involves the collection, processing, and transformation of used materials into new products. The aim is to reduce the … Read more

The Top Ten Zero Waste Holiday Hacks to Save the Planet!

The Top Ten Zero Waste Holiday Hacks to Save the Planet!

As it’s the end of the year and people are gearing up to enjoy the holidays, you might be wondering how you can celebrate without doing any harm to our environment. But don’t panic! Whether you’re attending a party or just spending time with your family and friends, there are tons of ways to reduce … Read more

Zero Waste doesn’t have to be too complicated

Zero Waste doesn't have to be too complicated

It’s the simple steps that count, zero waste doesn’t have to be too complicated. You just need to start where you are and mean it. You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to keep working towards its perfection. So where do you start in this journey towards Zero Waste? Stay away from single-use … Read more

Do You Still Buy New Clothes For Christmas?

Do You Still Buy New Clothes For Christmas?

Holidays are here with us. It’s that time suffocated by sales, black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. New clothes are some of the stuff mos bought. This is despite people not necessarily needing any extra of them. When did it become okay to shame someone for repeating their clothes? Who said lots of new clothes signifies … Read more

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay, But Not Okay to Remain That Way

It's Okay Not To Be Okay, But Not Okay to Remain That Way

We all go through stuff that makes us feel no okay, maybe a phase/season/period/stage, etc. It’s okay for this to happen, and our feelings are totally valid. There’s nothing wrong with that. Just allow yourself to outgrow the situations. Activism anxiety When you are working hard for a better tomorrow, best trips, or even peace … Read more

The Two Worlds we created, and their Impact towards Climate Change

The Two Worlds we created, and their Impact towards Climate Change

The Two Worlds we created, and their Impact on Climate Change. The worlds am talking about, are the cities and rural areas. They are very different worlds that have occupants who interact completely differently towards our planet. Each of their population has adapted to different ways of living due to the resources available to them. … Read more

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire

Where There's Smoke There's Fire

Smoke is a clear sign of something brewing up. The decision taken afterward determines the outcomes. If ignored, the fire may destroy everything. But if we bother to check out, we may save the day. It has been more than a month now since we heard the rumors of Kenya being used as a hub … Read more



Just like other parts of the world, African youths are doing their best to save our planet through various means. From creating awareness, being creative around plastic waste management, pushing for eco-friendly laws, offering education, among other awesome stuff. Here are a few of them  that I was able to learn about from the Liberian … Read more

No One Likes Being Near Landfills

No One Likes Being Near Landfills

No one likes being near landfills, due to the filthy smells and health complications. Governments end up struggling and inconveniencing the locals when they force it. We have witnessed people demonstrate and threaten to sue their leaders for bringing landfill in their neighborhood. They point out the health issues brought by the unwelcomed guest, and … Read more

Companies Should be Responsible for Their Contribution To Plastic Pollution

Companies Should be Responsible for Their Contribution To Plastic Pollution

Companies Should be Responsible for Their Contribution To Plastic Pollution and avoid making us believe that we can not live without plastic. After being tagged to various plastic packagings found in the oceans. The involved companies are now driving a narrative that doesn’t sit well with our environment. They are blaming it on our consumption and use of their plastic packings.