Plastic-Free Bathrooms

Plastic-Free Bathrooms

Plastic-Free July continues, and today we explore plastic-free bathrooms. Remembering that we are not after perfection, but rather progress.  After kitchens, bathrooms happen to be one of the most flooded places with plastics. Lucky for us, we have been provided eco-friendly options by our creative friends.  These includes: Wooden toothbrushes: We now have a bamboo … Read more

Guest Post: East Africa and Kenya Safaris – How to Make Your Trip Eco-Friendly by James Gatheru

Guest Post East Africa and Kenya Safaris - How to Make Your Trip Eco-Friendly By James Gatheru

Traveling eco-friendly is very important for our planet. Carbon dioxide emissions from transport such as aviation and cars contribute significantly to global warming. We have to be responsible for the environment if we want to maintain a beautiful world. After all, we still want the stories on the wildlife to be relatable and not history … Read more