Guest Post: East Africa and Kenya Safaris – How to Make Your Trip Eco-Friendly by James Gatheru

Guest Post East Africa and Kenya Safaris - How to Make Your Trip Eco-Friendly By James Gatheru

Traveling eco-friendly is very important for our planet. Carbon dioxide emissions from transport such as aviation and cars contribute significantly to global warming. We have to be responsible for the environment if we want to maintain a beautiful world. After all, we still want the stories on the wildlife to be relatable and not history … Read more

Clean-Up activities Need Passion and Sacrifice

Clean-Up activities Need Passion and Sacrifice Clean-Up activities need passion and sacrifice. We are yet to fully embrace and support cleanup activities in our environments. Hence the volunteers always ending up sacrificing their time, money, etc. They have to ensure nothing hinders this noble initiative. And the fruit of their labor is enjoyed by all … Read more

Political Will Is A Vital Tool In Conservation

Political Will is vital to Conservation

Political will is the firm intention or commitment on the part of a government to carry through a policy, especially one which is not immediately successful or popular. It is the motive force that promotes political action. A collection of political benefits and costs resulting from the passing of any given law. Passing these laws … Read more

What Unmanaged Shamba System is doing to the Forest Cover in Kenya

What Shamba System is doing to the Forest Cover in Kenya

Shamba system is a form of agroforestry that encourages farmers to plant trees alongside their crops. Instead of cutting trees while planting, they are to maintain them and even plant more. This initiative was introduced by the Kenya Forest Service. Its partially funded by the International Development – USAID. The targeted groups included the local … Read more

Do we embrace coal mining or conserve the old town of Lamu?

Do we embrace coal mining or conserve the old town of Lamu?

Lamu is faced with a tough decision on whether to continue conserving it or allow coal mining in the area. The coal mine is to provide the needed power as per our vision 2030. If we go ahead and embrace the coal mining, we will be placing our environment in crisis. The environment impacts to … Read more

What Are Endangered Species

The Lioness that introduced themselves to Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya

Endangered species are those species considered to be nearly extinct as per the IUCN. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is responsible for categorizing all the world species as per their vulnerability to extinction. They have a Red List that places species into the following categories: Extinct – No species still alive Extinct … Read more

Bird watching at the Wajee Nature Park and its Surroundings

Bird watching at the Wajee Nature Park and its Surroundings Wajee Nature Park is home to the Hindes babblers, birdwatching is one of the major activities enjoyed here. The park is surrounded by well-maintained forests whereby the residents have co-existence with the flora. The community has been able to find a way whereby they can … Read more

Wajee Nature Park

Wajee Nature Park It’s home to the hindes babbler, located in Mukuruwe-ini central Kenya. It comprises of undisturbed forest that provides habitat to the many bird species found in this park. It’s between Mount Kenya and the Aberdare. Three hours driving destination. The park has well-informed birders that will help you spot and enjoy the … Read more

Interesting things to enjoy in Maasai Land (Narok)

Interesting things to enjoy in Maasai Land (Narok)

Interesting things to enjoy in Maasai Land (Narok) Narok is home to the beautiful Maasai community that is well known for its beautiful Maasai shukas and the ability to jump very high. They are the most interesting people to mingle with but dare not to annoy them, their anger management is not that good. Most … Read more