Guest Post: Protecting the Environment Without Leaving Home

Guest Post: Protecting the Environment Without Leaving Home

One of the hottest topics these days is climate change. The environment and our treatment of resources are often pinpointed as the culprit for climate change and environmental woes and responsible citizens are always looking for ways to protect the environment and natural resources every day. Sometimes, these activities begin at home. There are hundreds … Read more

Guest Post: East Africa and Kenya Safaris – How to Make Your Trip Eco-Friendly by James Gatheru

Guest Post East Africa and Kenya Safaris - How to Make Your Trip Eco-Friendly By James Gatheru

Traveling eco-friendly is very important for our planet. Carbon dioxide emissions from transport such as aviation and cars contribute significantly to global warming. We have to be responsible for the environment if we want to maintain a beautiful world. After all, we still want the stories on the wildlife to be relatable and not history … Read more

Wildlife destinations in Africa that you need to check out

Wildlife destinations in Africa you need to check out. It’s holiday season and travelling is one of the things that makes it more merrier. It’s that time of the year where families come together. Or you get an opportunity to have some quality me time if you prefer your own company. All in all, it’s … Read more