Happy International Day of the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

Happy International Day of the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

It’s International Day of the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, and we continue to advocate for mangrove conservation. They continue to reduce in coverage, and this is a big problem roaming. I was lucky again to join one of my favorite organizations, Blue Earth Organization, in a mangrove planting on the 24th of July 2021. … Read more

Blue Earth Organization Making Mombasa Blue

Blue Earth Organization Making Mombasa Blue

Blue Earth Organization (BEO) is making Mombasa and its environs blue, as well as clean. This is through mangrove planting, planting of trees, cleanups, among others. Sumaiya Harunany is the founder of this great organization, where they encourage people to make a difference by Going blue. She has strong support from her friends who volunteer … Read more

Planting Mangroves in Miritini, Mombasa

Planting Mangroves in Miritini, Mombasa

Finally, I participated in planting mangroves in Miritini, Mombasa. I have also admired and longed to experience this for a while. Thanks to my friends, who kept sharing photos of the whole process. It looked too fulfilling not to want to experience one yourself. So I started making plans early not to miss this one. … Read more