Unleash Hacks Liberia 2021 hackathon

Unleash Hacks Liberia 2021 hackathon

Ezekiel Nyanfor who heads a team of three talents emerges out as National Winner in the Unleash Hacks Liberia 2021 hackathon. He is the EarthDay.Org Youth Ambassador, as well as the Founder and Executive Director of the Liberian Youth for Climate Actions-LYCA. A little bit about the Unleash Hacks Liberia 2021 hackathon UNLEASH Hacks are … Read more

Planting Mangroves in Miritini, Mombasa

Planting Mangroves in Miritini, Mombasa

Finally, I participated in planting mangroves in Miritini, Mombasa. I have also admired and longed to experience this for a while. Thanks to my friends, who kept sharing photos of the whole process. It looked too fulfilling not to want to experience one yourself. So I started making plans early not to miss this one. … Read more

Do You Know What You Are Wishing For?

Do You Know What You Are Wishing For?

Have you ever wished for something so bad, that you ended up doing everything you can? Only to regret the wish and wish you could reverse the whole thing? They are fancily termed as mistakes, which we use for growth and learning. But they don’t have to be first hand, you can always learn from … Read more

Are we over packaging?

Are we over packaging?

Are we over packaging? Are we over packaging our products? All the wrappings that you have to unwrap when you get home. Do we really need them? Or can they be minimalized? I came across a video sensitizing on promoting toothpaste with no box packaging As I was perusing through the internet, I was able … Read more

Uganda cooking with Volcanic rocks to save their Forests

Uganda cooking with Volcanic rocks to save their Forests

Uganda cooking with Volcanic rocks to save their Forests Uganda cooking with Volcanic rocks to save their Forests. Isn’t that amazing? It’s great to see more countries embracing ways that are eco-friendly. Hence writing off the damage we have been causing our environment. As much as we may need developments and innovations, we were blinded … Read more

Decisions affecting Environment should be global considerate

Decisions affecting Environment should be global considerate

Decisions affecting Environment should be global considerate Decisions affecting Environment should be global considerate. As much as we may do a lot at the local level to protect our environment. The outside world, have the power to render it worthless. A clear indication that when it comes to the environment, it’s a global affair. Somehow … Read more

Let Us Embrace Culture For Growing Trees

Let Us Embrace Culture For Growing Trees

Let Us Embrace Culture For Growing Trees Let Us Embrace Culture For Growing Trees. Just planting trees, will not offer any help in our fight against climate change. We need to help the tree grow and make it to a point where it can survive on its own. Planting versus Growing of trees Planting trees … Read more