

Have you interacted with this hashtag on social media? #ShareYourStripes is an initiative by the University of Reading, led by Ed Hawkins. What is it all about? It’s an initiative that shows how temperatures have been changing over time through colors.  The increasing temperatures are thanks to human activities, the burning of fossil fuels, and … Read more

Reminder to our Leaders to do Something Meaningful towards Climate Change

Reminder to our Leaders to do Something Meaningful towards Climate Change

This Friday on 19th March, different activists all over the world will be coming together to raise their voices against fossil fuel investments and the lack of action from our leaders.  This time around, they have outlined their demands clearly. They include: A complete stop to all fossil fuel investments, exploration, and exploitation. Commitments to … Read more

The Three Stones Open Fire

The Three Stones Open Fire

When we were kids, the fun part of visiting grannies was having to enjoy stories around the three stones open fire. It felt way better than the couch back home. This involved conversations, interesting tales, and not the usual cartoon shows, on the black and white TV. The food almost tasted better. Not forgetting the … Read more

Laws and Acts should Support all Initiatives that works towards Supporting Climate Actions

Laws and Acts should Support all Initiatives that works towards Supporting Climate Actions

As we continue to work fight climate change, laws and acts should support all Initiatives that work towards supporting Climate Actions. They should offer protection, as opposed to creating huddles. Huddles introduced by The Finance Act 2020 (Kenya) TheFinanceAct_No.8of2020 Cookstoves and fuels, as well as solar equipment, have been subjected to a 14% VAT. This … Read more

Let’s Talk About the Climate Refugees

Let's Talk About the Climate Refugees

Who are the Climate Refugees? As per Wikipedia: Climate refugees can be described as a subset of environmental migrants who were forced to flee “due to sudden or gradual alterations in the natural environment related to at least one of three impacts of climate change: sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and drought and water scarcity.” … Read more

When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough When Enough is Enough, people/nature/developments/almost everything has to make a crucial decision that will work towards their desired need or what they want to be changed. It’s a point where the action is the only thing making sense and happening. No more chances or patience, but acting on the issue alone … Read more

It has Been more than 50 years since they warned us about Climate Change

It has Been more than 50 years since they warned us about Climate Change

It has Been more than 50 years since they warned us about Climate Change That’s right…, It has been more than 50 years since they warned us about climate change. But here we are, still not taking any of it seriously, or pretending not to care. Do we really understand that this climate change is … Read more

Nature and Wildlife Know no Barriers when it comes to Class or Race

Nature and Wildlife Know no Barriers when it comes to Class or Race

Nature and Wildlife Know no Barriers when it comes to Class or Race Nature and Wildlife Know no Barriers when it comes to Class or Race. The same case applies to climate change and what is related to it. It’s sad that in the midst of fighting against climate change as a global, we still … Read more

Don't Step on Corals, They are alive

Don't Step on Corals, They are alive

Don’t Step on Corals, They are alive Don’t Step on Corals, They are alive. And you wouldn’t like anyone stepping on you either. If you are having a boat ride or any other ride into the ocean with a captain who doesn’t care much about the environment, they may use it as a “fun thing” … Read more