Reminder to our Leaders to do Something Meaningful towards Climate Change

Reminder to our Leaders to do Something Meaningful towards Climate Change

This Friday on 19th March, different activists all over the world will be coming together to raise their voices against fossil fuel investments and the lack of action from our leaders.  This time around, they have outlined their demands clearly. They include: A complete stop to all fossil fuel investments, exploration, and exploitation. Commitments to … Read more

Do you Listen?

Do you Listen

In the existing noisy world, would you consider yourself a listener? Do you listen and get to hear what others have to offer? Get to know what they have to say, try to understand where they coming from, or even get some tips? Listening is a very powerful tool, yet ignored by many. Listen and … Read more

Never feel like your voice or actions don’t matter because they do!!

Never feel like your voice or actions don’t matter because they do!!

That’s right, your voice and action can work miracle in reclaiming a healthy planet back. Just a friendly reminder: As a consumer, you have the power to decide what you buy and in which direction the market goes – not corporations. Most times business people have done their best to make us believe that we … Read more

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Spread the word.

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Spread the word.

30 Day Challenge for a better and healthier planet, Spread the word. Be the voice, create awareness and ensure the message is out there. Whatever means that works for you for this, go for it. “Don’t just save yourself alone, also bring salvation the people around you” Sunday Adelaja Remember that for this challenge to work, … Read more

Twisted Conservation Education and Awareness

Twisted Conservation Education and Awareness

Twisted Conservation Education and Awareness. Why are we confusing the local communities and other kind hearted people from all corners of this amazing planet? Conservation is being turned into a jackpot for mining money. And people are applying all cruel means they can think of. Wildlife and innocent people are being lied to, their resources … Read more

Let's speak up for our wildlife

Let's speak up for our wildlife

Let’s speak up for our wildlife. Someone somewhere will hear you and action on it. And if you are in a position to act on it yourself, then speak up and action. Information and knowledge is spread and acquired by speaking up. You only get to know or learn more about something/one by reading or … Read more