Importance of community in tourism and wildlife conservation

Importance of community in tourism and wildlife conservation

Community is vital when it comes to tourism and wildlife conservation. This is mostly because most of the wildlife is found within the communities. Limited wildlife actually stays inside the different conservation areas. They have not been a problem of their co-existence, until recently. And communities are getting impatient. Change of Land-use Communities are embracing … Read more

Do you Listen?

Do you Listen

In the existing noisy world, would you consider yourself a listener? Do you listen and get to hear what others have to offer? Get to know what they have to say, try to understand where they coming from, or even get some tips? Listening is a very powerful tool, yet ignored by many. Listen and … Read more

Protect what is close to your heart

Protect what is close to your heart

Protect what is close to your heart We should be able to protect what is close to our hearts. Because they mean a lot to us. We should not allow anyone, absolutely anyone mess up with them. These things include our natural resources, cultures, public resources, etc. Anything we owe as a public, we should … Read more