Exploring the fascinating social structure of African lions!

Exploring the fascinating social structure of African lions!

Did you know they form prides, social groups that include related females, cubs, and resident males? Teamwork is key for hunting and defending territory. 🤝🌿 In the heart of the African savannah, the mighty lion reigns supreme as a symbol of strength and a fascinating example of social structure in the wild. Unlike their solitary … Read more

Discover How Technology is Shaping Wildlife Conservation Efforts in Kenya

Discover How Technology Is Shaping Wildlife Conservation Efforts In Kenya

Technology has revolutionized the way wildlife conservation is approached in Kenya. Being a country with rich biodiversity and iconic wildlife, Kenya has been at the forefront of integrating technology into conservation strategies. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most exciting conservation technologies in use in Kenya. Smart collars equipped with … Read more

The Importance of Biodiversity Conservation

The Importance of Biodiversity Conservation

Earth is a magnificent tapestry of life, teeming with diverse ecosystems, species, and natural wonders. This intricate web of life, known as biodiversity, is vital for the health and well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants. Biodiversity encompasses the incredible variety of living organisms on Earth, including plants, animals, microorganisms, and their habitats. It … Read more

The Unique Parenting Strategies of Solitary Animals

The Unique Parenting Strategies of Solitary Animals

Parenting is a fundamental behaviour that ensures the survival of many species. While it is typically associated with social animals, there are many solitary animals that exhibit exceptional parenting skills. Solitary animals typically live alone, without the support or protection of a social group. This means that they must manage all aspects of parenting on … Read more

THE BENEFITS OF ECO-TOURISM FOR CONSERVATION: How Sustainable Tourism Can Help Protect Wildlife and the Environment

THE BENEFITS OF ECO-TOURISM FOR CONSERVATION: How Sustainable Tourism Can Help Protect Wildlife and the Environment

As tourism continues to grow around the world, it is important to consider its impact on the environment and local communities. Eco-tourism, also known as sustainable tourism, is a type of tourism that aims to minimize negative impacts and promote conservation efforts. Eco-tourism is a type of tourism that focuses on responsible travel to natural … Read more

CLIMATE CHANGE AND WILDLIFE HABITATS: How Our Actions are Affecting the Natural World

CLIMATE CHANGE AND WILDLIFE HABITATS: How Our Actions are Affecting the Natural World

As the world continues to grapple with the consequences of climate change, the effects on wildlife habitats are becoming increasingly clear. The burning of fossil fuels and other human activities have led to a steady increase in global temperatures, causing major changes to the planet’s ecosystems. What is Climate Change and How is it Affecting … Read more

THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING ENDANGERED SPECIES: Preserving Biodiversity for Future Generations

THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING ENDANGERED SPECIES Preserving Biodiversity for Future Generations

As the world’s population continues to grow and human activities expand, the natural habitats of wildlife have been drastically altered and destroyed, resulting in the rapid decline of many species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), an estimated one million animal and plant species are currently at risk of extinction. This … Read more

Game Drive at the Nairobi National Park with Young Muslims Association

Game Drive at the Nairobi National Park with Young Muslims Association

I got to know and mingle with Young Muslims Association during COVID, and the rest is history. I have been able to volunteer with them in some of their events, did a project with them, and not enjoyed a game drive, courtesy of their Secretary-general. Volunteering Volunteering helps you make good use of your weekends, … Read more

Importance of community in tourism and wildlife conservation

Importance of community in tourism and wildlife conservation

Community is vital when it comes to tourism and wildlife conservation. This is mostly because most of the wildlife is found within the communities. Limited wildlife actually stays inside the different conservation areas. They have not been a problem of their co-existence, until recently. And communities are getting impatient. Change of Land-use Communities are embracing … Read more

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare?

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare?

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare? Where does wildlife welfare comes in, when we are busy making tourism palatable and desirable to our target market? Aren’t we supposed to put wildlife first? Do we really care about wildlife welfare? Would you say … Read more