Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare?

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare?

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare? Where does wildlife welfare comes in, when we are busy making tourism palatable and desirable to our target market? Aren’t we supposed to put wildlife first? Do we really care about wildlife welfare? Would you say … Read more

Is enough being given back to Wildlife Welfare and Local Communities Developments?

Is enough being given back to Wildlife Welfare and Local Communities Developments?

Is enough being given back to Wildlife Welfare and Local Communities Developments? Is enough being given back to Wildlife Welfare and Local Communities Developments?Or they are seen not to deserve the share of the pie. Tourism revenue Tourism has increased worldwide. As more people embrace the safaris and travels to different parts of the world. … Read more