THE BENEFITS OF ECO-TOURISM FOR CONSERVATION: How Sustainable Tourism Can Help Protect Wildlife and the Environment

THE BENEFITS OF ECO-TOURISM FOR CONSERVATION: How Sustainable Tourism Can Help Protect Wildlife and the Environment

As tourism continues to grow around the world, it is important to consider its impact on the environment and local communities. Eco-tourism, also known as sustainable tourism, is a type of tourism that aims to minimize negative impacts and promote conservation efforts. Eco-tourism is a type of tourism that focuses on responsible travel to natural … Read more

Do you Listen?

Do you Listen

In the existing noisy world, would you consider yourself a listener? Do you listen and get to hear what others have to offer? Get to know what they have to say, try to understand where they coming from, or even get some tips? Listening is a very powerful tool, yet ignored by many. Listen and … Read more

Nature-Based Solution

Nature-Based Solution

What does Nature-Based Solution Imply? Nature-Based Solution is a technique that involves eco-friendly actions that are meant to protect our environment, and in return provide solutions to problems such as climate change, mangroves degradation, etc. These actions enforce the sustainable use of natural resources. This allows nature to rejuvenate and heal. Types of Nature-Based Solutions … Read more

Role of Wildlife Clubs Towards Conservation

Here Is To Us

Wildlife clubs play a vital role in conservation at grassroots. These clubs are introduced to all schools and educational materials provided. Wildlife Clubs of Kenya  (WCK) is a charitable organization. It offers training and research programs. It is responsible for the various wildlife clubs in Kenya. It was founded back in 1966. Its main goal … Read more