Human-Wildlife Conflicts

Human-Wildlife Conflicts

Human-wildlife conflicts refer to situations where the actions or behaviors of wildlife have a negative impact on humans, or where human actions have a negative impact on wildlife. These conflicts can take many forms, including crop damage by wild animals, livestock predation by predators, and the spread of diseases from wildlife to humans. They can … Read more

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

With the shrinking wildlife spaces, and demand for human settlements. How can wildlife be conserved? Long gone are days when conservation areas were only found in less travelled road with low human population. A population that understood the importance to co-exist with the wildlife. They found ways to balance their needs, and rarely brushed shoulders … Read more

Is Wildlife a Natural Resource?

Is Wildlife a Natural Resource

What are your thoughts on, should wildlife be classified as a natural resource? What is a natural resource? These are resources that exist without any actions of humankind. They can either be biotic or abiotic, depending on their origin. The biotic ones include forests, wildlife, and fossil fuels. While abiotic include land, air, earth elements, … Read more

Importance of community in tourism and wildlife conservation

Importance of community in tourism and wildlife conservation

Community is vital when it comes to tourism and wildlife conservation. This is mostly because most of the wildlife is found within the communities. Limited wildlife actually stays inside the different conservation areas. They have not been a problem of their co-existence, until recently. And communities are getting impatient. Change of Land-use Communities are embracing … Read more

Is it out of Necessity or Greed?

Is it out of Necessity or Greed?

Is it out of Necessity or Greed? Is it out of Necessity or Greed? Whatever you do no matter how small or big it may appear. How important or what value it may have on you. What drives your motivation? When Government acts after the public takes laws into their hands (Necessity or Greed) Why … Read more