From Past to Future: Understanding the History and Impacts of Drought

Understanding the History and Impacts of Drought

Introduction: What is Drought? Drought is a natural phenomenon that occurs when an extended period of abnormally low rainfall leads to a shortage of water in a particular area. Droughts can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in weather patterns, climate variability, and human activities such as deforestation and excessive water consumption. … Read more

New Year Resolutions Work

New Year Resolutions Work

New year resolutions can be a helpful way for people to set goals and make positive changes in their lives. However, it is important to keep in mind that success with resolutions often depends on the individual’s motivation, commitment, and follow-through. Some people may find that making a resolution at the beginning of the year … Read more

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

With the shrinking wildlife spaces, and demand for human settlements. How can wildlife be conserved? Long gone are days when conservation areas were only found in less travelled road with low human population. A population that understood the importance to co-exist with the wildlife. They found ways to balance their needs, and rarely brushed shoulders … Read more

Species that feed on plants are strong and have a long lifespan

Species that feed on plants are strong and have a long lifespan

Species that feed on plants are strong and have a long lifespan Species that feed on plants are strong and have a long lifespan. Herbivores are some of the animal species that have been observed to live many years. If they are lucky enough to evade preditor’s wrath. Those who have no predictors, live to … Read more