From Past to Future: Understanding the History and Impacts of Drought

Understanding the History and Impacts of Drought

Introduction: What is Drought? Drought is a natural phenomenon that occurs when an extended period of abnormally low rainfall leads to a shortage of water in a particular area. Droughts can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in weather patterns, climate variability, and human activities such as deforestation and excessive water consumption. … Read more



The rains are no longer predictable, and it has been a while since it rained in most arid and semi-arid areas. Livestock has no pasture, and water sources are all drying up. Nomads together with their livestock have to trek extremely long distances to get water and food. Sadly, sometimes they still don’t get lucky … Read more

Drought continues in the Kenyan Arid and Semi-arid Areas

Drought continues in the Kenyan Arid and Semi-arid Areas

Some areas continue to suffer drought, with many rivers drying up. This has led to a shortage of water and given trouble to anything that depends on it. Which we know, is almost everything. If trees were to be planted in these areas, with no after-planting plans. Almost if not all seedlings will die. But … Read more

What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought?

What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought?

What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought? What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought? Does it cross our mind when helping humans struck by drought? Do we include them in plans made to help out those being affected by this dangerous calamity? Climate change and … Read more