THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING ENDANGERED SPECIES: Preserving Biodiversity for Future Generations

THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING ENDANGERED SPECIES Preserving Biodiversity for Future Generations

As the world’s population continues to grow and human activities expand, the natural habitats of wildlife have been drastically altered and destroyed, resulting in the rapid decline of many species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), an estimated one million animal and plant species are currently at risk of extinction. This … Read more

The Baobab Tree: A “Tree of Life”

The Baobab Tree: A "Tree of Life"

Introduction to Baobab Trees Baobab trees are a species of tree native to the African continent. These trees are known for their unusual shape, which resembles an upside-down tree with a thick trunk and spindly branches. They have been called the “tree of life” due to their importance in the ecosystems they inhabit and their … Read more

Threats facing endangered species

Threats facing endangered species

Endangered species are those whose populations have been significantly reduced and are at risk of extinction. Unfortunately, there are many threats facing these species, making conservation efforts all the more crucial. Here are some of the threats facing endangered species Habitat loss One major threat is habitat loss. As human populations continue to grow, we … Read more

Let’s Talk About the Climate Refugees

Let's Talk About the Climate Refugees

Who are the Climate Refugees? As per Wikipedia: Climate refugees can be described as a subset of environmental migrants who were forced to flee “due to sudden or gradual alterations in the natural environment related to at least one of three impacts of climate change: sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and drought and water scarcity.” … Read more

Are Humans evolving to Monsters ?

Are Humans evolving to Monsters ?

What is happening on our planet, are humans evolving to monsters? Have you seen how we are harming our fellow humans? From butchering one another, corruption, tribalism, discrimination, racism, you name it. It is like every country is busying trademarking their unique torture to humans. Do we even have souls anymore? What happened to preserve … Read more

How Far Would You Go In Protecting Other Species?

How Far Would You Go In Protecting Other Species?

How far would you go in protecting other species, that you don’t directly benefit from? Especially the wild species, that may give you a surprise visit. Maybe you can learn from the brewery in Germany, who had to stop their business when a family of Storks took over their chimney. Storks are protected species in … Read more

When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough When Enough is Enough, people/nature/developments/almost everything has to make a crucial decision that will work towards their desired need or what they want to be changed. It’s a point where the action is the only thing making sense and happening. No more chances or patience, but acting on the issue alone … Read more

2020’s June Feels like July

2020's June Feels like July

2020’s June Feels like July 2020’s June Feels like July, does the same applies to where you are? The rains and cold weather have been gracing Nairobi. Just when the curfew was pushed back a few hours. With the history of how Nairobians fear the rain, guys rush home as soon as the first drop … Read more

Is Our Planet Broken?

Is Our Planet Broken?

Is Our Planet Broken? Is our Planet broken, or are we losing our minds? In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have witnessed all kinds of unrest around the world, including: A pregnant elephant killed by humans through food. Some police killing civilians. Protests/demonstrations/online strikes, in short, cries for help Unemployment Natural disasters … Read more

How does COVID-19 affect Wildlife Conservation?

How does COVID-19 affect Wildlife Conservation?

How does COVID-19 affect Wildlife Conservation? How does COVID 19 affect Wildlife Conservation? This pandemic has affected several continents, and everyone seems to be at its mercies. It’s sad to see people lose lives, property, jobs, among others. It’s crippling the economy and results to be a pandemic pushing us to a very difficult corner. … Read more