I Love the Awakening Love for Wildlife by Kenyans (Nairobi National Park)

I Love the Awakening Love for Wildlife by Kenyans (Nairobi National Park)

I Love the Awakening Love for Wildlife by Kenyans. It’s refreshing, promising, and encouraging. Finally, we as conservationists can appreciate the strong support from the public. Its no longer conservationists’ role to fight for wildlife and the environment. The “Confusing” photo of construction inside Nairobi National park So we work up a photo that suggested … Read more

Wildlife Too have Basic Needs

Wildlife Too have Basic Needs

Wildlife Too have Basic Needs Wildlife Too has Basic Needs, that needs to be met. And working to meet human wants at the expense of wildlife’s needs is very unfair. Needs have upper hand than wants, as we can still comfortably survive without meeting the wants. Habitat We have been encroaching conservation areas for many … Read more

What Are Endangered Species

The Lioness that introduced themselves to Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya

Endangered species are those species considered to be nearly extinct as per the IUCN. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is responsible for categorizing all the world species as per their vulnerability to extinction. They have a Red List that places species into the following categories: Extinct – No species still alive Extinct … Read more

Our Only Male Northern White Rhino, Sudan, is Gone

Northern White Rhinos are almost extinct.

Sudan was the last male northern white rhino alive. He died at the age of 45 years after bravely fighting the old-aged-related sicknesses. He suffered degeneration of muscles that gave him extensive skin wounds. He was unable to stand during his last 24 hours and thus helped to rest by his vets. He has not … Read more