Protecting Our Natural Heritage: The Urgent Threats Facing Conservation Areas

Protecting Our Natural Heritage: The Urgent Threats Facing Conservation Areas

Introduction The world’s conservation areas, including national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, national reserves, conservancies, orphanages and other protected areas, are crucial for safeguarding our natural heritage. However, these areas are facing a range of threats, from climate change to human encroachment, that are putting the delicate ecosystems and the species that call them home in danger. … Read more

What do you think about Trade of Live Wildlife?

What do you think about Trade of Live Wildlife?

What do you think about trade of live wildlife? Is it ethical or deserve any legal backing whatsoever? I saw it in one of my friend’s tweets. That some Africa countries are working towards legalising trade of live wildlife. And the thought of it has been eating me up ever since. I have tried to … Read more