What do you think about Trade of Live Wildlife?

What do you think about trade of live wildlife? Is it ethical or deserve any legal backing whatsoever?

I saw it in one of my friend’s tweets. That some Africa countries are working towards legalising trade of live wildlife. And the thought of it has been eating me up ever since. I have tried to research and get to know more about it. Results made me more sick and angry.

This is renewed slavery

If you studied history somewhere while at school. You might have come across study about the slaves. Even movies do show how slavery trade was conducted.

Most of the slaves came from the developing countries. They would be transported under harsh conditions and mostly against their will.

Most of the slaves lost their lives in the oceans before making it to their destinations. Some succumbed to diseases as a result of change of climate among other foreign stuff introduced to them.

Same is happening to the wildlife now.

There’s a logic reasons why each wildlife is found and located where they are. They have gradually adopted to their environment.

What happens when we introduce them to a foreign land? Mostly they die. And why do we do that to them? What is so complicated about respecting our wildlife.

It’s clear that most of the live wildlife trade is illegal. And now some organisation is trying to legalise it. In short, give more power to the monsters. A free ticket for death of our wildlife.

What happens when a live wildlife is transported to a foreign land?

  • If they are unable to adapt to the new environment , they die. There will be need to replace these dead wildlife. So more of them will be stolen. You can imagine that impact on their population.
  • The health state. Do we even consider the effect of the new changes to the animals? How does it affect them psychologically? Just like humans, they do feel changes imposed on them. And sadly, they do experience stress too.
  • Limited resources. These wildlife are being introduced to a land that already has its own wildlife. And the new comers do come with their own food or habitat. They end up competing with the earlier owners.
  • Depending on the strength and degree of adaptability. The new wildlife may end up wiping out the existing wildlife. Power of invasive species. Read more about the effects of exotic species on indigenous species here.
  • Their transportation gives them 1% chance of survival. Being an illegal trade, these wildlife are transported in worst ways you can imagine of. To avoid being caught. And as I result, most of these wildlife die during the transport process.
  • They end up getting extinct. Most people will only buy something that is rare. This is true in live wildlife trade. The endangered and rare species are the victims here. And as result of this live wildlife illegal trade, they will soon get extinct.

Can we do anything to help?

Yes we can. We can be helpful in several ways.

Fighting those who are trying to legalize this trade.

Avoid buying exotic species. For pet lovers, let’s stick to what we allowed to pet and located withi our geographical locations.

Avoid purchasing products made from wildlife products.

Spreading conservation education and awareness everywhere.

Reporting those who engage in these activities.


Just like humans, wildlife too should be accorded respect and protection. Let’s stop practising slavery on them. You want to enjoy their company, plan a trip and visit them at the home of origin.

17 thoughts on “What do you think about Trade of Live Wildlife?”

    • That’s the bitter truth. Apparently we are supposed to enjoy true democracy, whereby the government should be for the people. Which is not the case. If they ail to recognise our needs then we force them to. Through protests, forums and any means that will attract their attention. After all, we are the ones who place them in those office. If we continuously push them to do the right things, we may win eventually. We have no option of giving up or allowing them to have their way.

  1. While I believe in legal hunting [see my comment today on your earlier post asking about that], I don’t believe there should be any live trade in any wild animal now, anywhere in the world. It is not ethical. The laws opposing it, and their enforcement are obviously too weak.
    But this is not an attack on zoos for me. Zoos today – almost all of them – are playing an important part in preserving species and restoring lost wild populations.

  2. I totally agree with you. That’s why I don’t go to zoos or other places where animals are kept in captivity for the sake of human’s distraction and entertainment. I wouldn’t call myself an animal activist, but I respect every form of life, and the domestication of animals is abnormal in my opinion. Thanks for spreading awareness 😉

  3. I think education is one of the keys, plus strict enforcement of existing laws. When I lived in Thailand, it wasn’t at all unusual to see a Thai guy standing on the street corner with a gibbon or another wild species sitting on his shoulder just for the sake of making money from tourists who wanted to have their pictures taken or pet the animal etc. Educating travelers about responsible tourism and how they can contribute to positive animal welfare is very important.


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