Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare?

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare?

Have you ever thought about what may happen when Tourism is given an Upper hand, instead of Wildlife Welfare? Where does wildlife welfare comes in, when we are busy making tourism palatable and desirable to our target market? Aren’t we supposed to put wildlife first? Do we really care about wildlife welfare? Would you say … Read more

The Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals. Do you know them? What meaning do they have in your life and activities? Do you know you have a part to play? These goals which are commonly referred to as SDGs, have been center of Sustainable Living and Climate Action conversations. They were born out of the eight … Read more

Conservation areas in Kenya that are managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service

Conservation Education and Awareness will help reduce human-wildlife conflicts

Kenya Wildlife Service manages all the public conservation areas in Kenya ensuring that both people, flora, and fauna are well taken care of. Kenya is the hot spot of adventure and discoveries. You get to enjoy beautiful birds, wonderful wildlife, and magnificent flora. The conservation areas are diverse allowing hiking, expedition, cycling, boating, gaming viewing, … Read more