Let us allow Nature to heal

Let us allow Nature to heal

Let us allow Nature to heal. Time heals everything and nature has its own prescription. All we have to do is, allow it some humble time and space. We all know that nature heals, but we tend to forget that as much as it may heal us. It does need time to heal itself as well.

We pushed it to its limit, hence resulting in the cruel climate change. We introduced the harmful greenhouse gases that weakened its ability to regulate gases on our planet. We reduced it’s reduced by cutting down trees. That it uses to breathe in the carbon dioxide we produce.

Just like when our white body counts go down, and we get vulnerable to various diseases attacks. That is what is happening to nature. The resources that it uses to function well are being eliminated to give space to human developments.

What can we learn from the rains (In Kenya)?

After long periods of dry seasons, the rains finally came.

People had already started losing their lives and livestock to the drought. They migrated to different areas for food and water, which was a temporary solution. Due to the pressure on the already scarce resources, things got worst after a short while.

We went ahead to blame our governments, both the county and national. Some used the opportunity to show off by assisting the affected and making sure we knew about it on social media. We did both good and bad, as that time was concerned.

Then the rains came

At first, the rains didn’t come as per our Kenya Meteorological predictions. Which they later explained that the rains had delayed in Tanzania. But finally. the rains reached us.

Within a few weeks, you could see green everywhere. The dead plants were got their life back and temperatures dropped.

Everyone was relieved and happy to have rains around.

Am happy to report that many people come out to advocate for tree planting. From the public figures, media personalities, common Citizens, conservationists, ministry of Environment and Foresty, among others.

Seedlings have been available at affordable prices in several towns, hence making it easy for Kenyans to plant more trees.

What do we learn from the short time we have been enjoying rainfall?

If plants could manage to be relieved by the rains in such a short time, what happens if we plant more trees. Hence ensuring that we have sufficient ground cover to prevent evaporation of water in the ground.

By having sufficient plant cover in our land, we will be able to secure groundwater for a longer time. As we plant and grow trees, we should also grow the ground plants such as grass as well. Leaving no blanks in the available space.

Our grown trees will help offset our carbon, giving us back the fresh air.

What I also advocate for, is planting and growing trees in our arid areas.

We have parts of our country that is always dry. People in these areas are nomadic hence move from time to time.

Being an arid area, we should try to plant indigenous trees adapted to such areas. Hence turning these little “deserts” to beautiful green lands. We should be able to harvest the ongoing rains to support irrigation farming so as to avoid famine.

By planting indigenous trees in these areas, supplying them with water and ensuring that they grow. We will help nature repair itself. Hence turning into something beautiful and green. Hence providing the community with the resources they need.


We tend to do a lot of stuff without minding the effects they have on our nature. It’s time we lent nature a helping hand. Learn from the areas that afforested their places into green fields. And copy the ideas to our dry lands.

It is very doable. Once a tree is grown and is in good numbers, the can withstand the changing climates.

Let’s help where we can and push the related organizations to make this happen. By 2030, we should have surpassed the required forest cover. And all this is possible if we embrace the culture of planting and growing trees. In every corner of our countries.

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