Climate Anxiety: Understanding and Managing the Impact on Young Activists

Climate Anxiety: Understanding and Managing the Impact on Young Activists

Climate anxiety is a growing concern among young activists who are deeply invested in the fight against climate change. It is the feeling of overwhelming fear and worries about the future of our planet and the potential consequences of global warming. Young Activists Young activists are particularly vulnerable to climate anxiety because they are facing … Read more

Take Action Against Climate Anxiety

Take Action Against Climate Anxiety

Climate anxiety, a feeling of dreadAs we watch the world change before our eyesIce caps melting, oceans risingWildfires and storms, the new normal in our skies We hear the dire predictions, the forecasts of doomBut somehow it feels like it’s happening in a vacuumLike it’s happening to someone else, somewhere far awayBut it’s happening here, … Read more

Climate action for a better future

Climate action for a better future

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it’s crucial that we take action to combat it. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations provide a framework for addressing this global problem and ensuring a sustainable future for all. Three of the SDGs directly address climate change: … Read more

Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden

A kitchen garden is a small, productive garden that is located close to the kitchen of a house so that the fresh produce can be easily harvested and used in meals. Kitchen gardens may contain a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and lettuce, depending on the gardener’s preferences. They can … Read more

Let’s talk about the Green Bonds

Let’s talk about the Green Bonds

Green bonds are a type of fixed-income securities that are issued to fund projects that have a positive environmental or climate benefit. They can be issued by governments, corporations, or other organizations and can be used to finance a wide range of projects, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and clean transportation. One of the … Read more

What are blue bonds?

What are blue bonds?

What are blue bonds? Blue bonds are a type of financial instrument that is issued by governments, development banks, and other organizations to fund projects that address ocean-related challenges and support sustainable development in the marine and coastal areas. The proceeds from the sale of blue bonds are used to finance a variety of projects, … Read more

Nature Debts and Bonds

Nature Debts and Bonds

Nature debt refers to the environmental impact of economic activities, such as the consumption of natural resources and the generation of pollution and waste. It can be thought of as the negative externalities associated with economic growth and development. There are a number of tools that can be used to measure and manage nature debt, … Read more

The 2022 African Economic Conference (AEC)

The 2022 African Economic Conference (AEC)

They are events that bring together experts and policymakers from Africa and around the world to discuss and analyze economic issues facing the continent. These conferences often focus on topics such as economic growth, development, trade, and investment in Africa. They may also address issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability. Government agencies, academic … Read more



The rains are no longer predictable, and it has been a while since it rained in most arid and semi-arid areas. Livestock has no pasture, and water sources are all drying up. Nomads together with their livestock have to trek extremely long distances to get water and food. Sadly, sometimes they still don’t get lucky … Read more



Floods have been witnessed in a number of countries including Nigeria, and Pakistan, to name a few. People have lost their livelihoods, their homes swept away, livestock and wildlife affected, and reduced to depending on well-wishers. Most of the affected people live hand to mouth life. Contribute almost nothing towards climate change. Their carbon footprint … Read more