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Climate Anxiety getting Worst

Climate Anxiety is getting Worst

Does climate anxiety have a place in the stories we tell ourselves about global warming? How can we escape being paralyzed by climate anxiety? Easier said than done, I know. But in this article, I try to answer these questions.

I identify as a climate anxiety sufferer. I’m surrounded by facts and scientific evidence that our planet is rapidly heating up, yet I still go about my daily life as if “everything’s fine”. When my mind wanders for a moment and tries to touch upon the images of flooded cities, or struggling people in North Eastern, Kenya — I immediately cut the thought out of my head. It feels too sad, too anxious, too depressing.

You might be feeling a little anxious lately on your rides to work and while eating your favorite meals. Did you know that climate anxiety is on the rise? It’s true. But don’t worry, there are ways you can combat it.

As the world suffers from the ongoing climatic crisis, many of us are led to fear and anxiety. We get tired of hearing bad news of every form around us.

It’s easy to feel anxious about the climate crisis. From dying wildlife to rising sea levels and wildfires, each news story adds a droplet until we are drowning in climate anxiety.

How do you stay away from climate anxiety? Is there hope in fighting climate change? It may seem counter-productive, but the best way to fight climate change is to stay optimistic.

Are you at risk of Climate Anxiety?

The climate crisis is here. It’s hurting people, it’s destroying lives and communities, and it’s the biggest challenge that many of us will face in our lifetimes.

Like many people, you’re hearing a lot about climate change in the news lately and that’s making you worried. We understand your fear – it’s scary to hear all these stories about how temperature and sea levels are rising. But here’s the thing – climate change is not primarily about temperature and sea levels. It’s about human lives.

You care about climate change, but sometimes you might feel a little overwhelmed by it. After all, with the news dominated by daily horror stories about climate catastrophe and loss of biodiversity, it would be understandable if you felt that anxiety was creeping in.

What to do to counter attack Climate Anxiety

You can treat this as a personal challenge. The world might feel like it’s falling apart, but you can begin to feel like you’re putting it back together, simply by making positive changes to your lifestyle – and having fun along the way.

There are so many opportunities to make a difference in the fight against climate change. Sure, kids participate in school strikes and adults go to protests, but sometimes you want to take action in your own small way.

Getting fired up is good. Feeling anxiety is normal. But according to experts, there’s also no better way to fight climate change than to start taking action at home and in your local community. By doing this, you learn about the local policies governing climate change and work towards affecting change on a more micro level than making sweeping national policy changes.

It’s possible

Saving the planet is easier than you think. In your everyday life, you have control over how much energy you use and what products you buy. While it may feel small on a global scale, every person taking personal action adds up to bring about meaningful change.

In your everyday life, you have control over how much energy you use and what products you buy. While it may feel small on a global scale, every person taking personal action adds up to bring about meaningful change. Saving the planet has never been easier.

Still not convinced? You have control over how much energy you use and what products you buy. Every person making personal changes adds up to bring about meaningful change.

With a few small lifestyle changes, you can make a big difference to the world. Whether it’s recycling more or buying locally, every person counts.


If you ignore the climate crisis and carry on with your normal routine, your children will be left to pick up the pieces through no fault of their own. It is now or never. We need to do our part.

The world has a serious problem, and you’re the solution. But we need to act now.

This is your chance to make a difference. You can join the movement and help save the planet one Eco-friendly action at a time

1 thought on “Climate Anxiety getting Worst”

  1. Entirely agree. Sometimes we underestimate the power of one, change, one task, one effort one person. And yet everything starts with one!

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