Do you teach your Kids about our Environment?

Do you teach your Kids about our Environment?

Do you teach your Kids about our Environment? Do they understand the changing events in our environment? How do they handle waste management in the house?

Homes and Schools shapes how kids

You can easily tell how a home is from how kids from that home behaves.

If a kid is from a home where no one cares to make them dispose of waste correctly. They will easily litter everywhere, without giving it much thought. They will mix waste and promote bad waste management.

Same can be said when it comes to respecting and how people treat others. As much as respect is earned, we also need to have a good background since childhood. If you grow up not knowing anything about respect. Then how will you even know that someone has earned it?

How we treat people in our houses, the kids see and mirror. Just like they know to do stuff by mirroring adults. Same applies to also behaviors we may not want them to copy. So we have to be careful about how we handle ourselves. As it fully shapes our future generation.

But things seem to be changing in some parts

Kids seem to be making wiser decisions than the grownups. And even going ahead to correct us. It’s a good thing as well as the savior to our rotting society. Helps in correcting what adults messed up.

Internet and exposure to online space have exposed kids to more teachers around the world. For both bad and good developments. Depending on how they use the internet. A lot is being taught in the online space and almost out of control. We can not control what to be accessed or what not to be accessed. And since most parents are green to online space, kids are the ones doing the teaching.

Look at the striking students on climate change. They have been pointing out what leaders and parents, have been silent about. What they have refused to admit just so as to continue explaining our environment. They have managed to convince both adults and other students on the needs to fight climate change.

So, will you teach your kids about the environment? Or will you let them know about it on their own?

I have a friend who always targets his son into all his environmental initiatives. He teaches him the importance of growing trees, not wasting food, among other valuable environmental lessons. The kid loves it and keeps up with dad’s works. Which is a beautiful thing, right?

Wouldn’t you like the same? Where your kid serves themselves exactly what they can consume, are happy and eager to grow trees, ensures that each waste goes to the right bin, among others. Whose decisions will always consider their impacts on the environment. And these are the tomorrow leaders that we need. Since it seems that we are unable or unwilling to right our wrongs.

It starts with baby steps, they just want good footprints to follow. Let us stop misleading them. Unlike adults, kids love and care for each other genuinely. They will do things to other kids without expecting anything in return. That’s why they don’t see race, color, tribe, class or whatever evils adults see. For them, they are all equal in each other’s eyes. They are not corrupted by greed.

No wonder they click so well with animals. Both have pure hearts and clean intentions. They think no harm for anything and do almost everything out of pure love of their little tiny hearts.


It doesn’t matter what harm you have caused this planet. It’s time to make things right. Since we already know what needs to be done but we choose to ignore since its either tiresome or doesn’t attract money. It’s rehab time, let us correct our mistakes and allow future generations a bright future.

If you need to re-learn some basic, we have all the needed information both online and offline. Create interest to learn on the eco-friendly practices and make them happen.

Before thinking about what profits to gain from any activities, think what impact it will have on our natural resources and environment. Ensure to set a good example to the young ones and do right.

And hey, I have been nominated for the BAKE awards. If you have a minute to spare, click on the link below and vote for me. You will find me under the Environmental blogs category. I will really appreciate that.

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