Are we misusing the word Sustainability?

Are we misusing the word Sustainability? Now that we have been attaching it to any project we want to prosper. Nowadays, if you want to get support. Then you have to convince us that it’s sustainable. But do they really mean it in action?

What is Sustainability?

In regards to economic growth, sustainability refers to the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

While in pursuit of global environmental sustainability, it implies avoiding the depletion of natural resources. So as to maintain an ecological balance.

What about the Sustainable Developments?

Involves economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.

Now you can easily understand the sustainable development goals. They are all geared towards ensuring that we don’t too much from our natural resources. We avoid overexploitation so as to allow nature space to regenerate what we take.

Then we adopted..

Sustainable living, sustainable customer service, sustainable work environment, sustainable consumption, and many other sustainable that we thought would help us sell our ideas to the target group.

Are we really living up to its real meaning? Do we really understand what it takes to have a sustainable something?

Can sustainability be measured in our developments?

How do we know that our developments are sustainable or click with sustainability?

Here is where measures come in. Which includes:

The three Rs approach. Where we reduce, reuse and recycle. With this approach, we get to reduce wastage, pollution, and exploitation. This helps to rule out the one-use plastic products, only using what we need and not wasting anything, as well as having something we can refuse for several times.

Capacity building among the public and involved parties. By creating awareness and educating them. Then we get to have informed people that will help advocate for decisions that are eco-friendly and good for our ecosystem.

Nature of the technology. The correct and sustainable technology should be people friendly, positive to the environment, respects our culture, doesn’t use a lot of resources. and produce a minimum of waste.

Offers quality life. The development should be able to have a positive effect on people’s lives in all aspects. That is, socially, economically as well as culturally. No group or class of people should be left out. Each of their needs should be taken into consideration.


Sustainability is meant to have things in check and balance. Ensuring that we have our natural resources for a very long time. It will help us stop causing depletion of our natural resources. Or the extinction of some species.

We have lost enough through our greed and it’s time to put a stop in this.

The Earth is one big pie, enough for all of us. If we agree to share and only use what we really need. Everyone and everything has an important role to play. Let us do our best to ensure we get the balance.

And hey, I have been nominated for the BAKE awards. If you have a minute to spare, click on the link below and vote for me. You will find me under the Environmental blogs category. I will really appreciate that.

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