Kudos to Our Government for Including Youth in Climate Change Affairs

Kudos to Our Government for Including Youth in Climate Change Affairs

Kudos to our government for including youth in climate change affairs. It’s a great step and benefit to all of us as a country. We are now having our fellow youth representing us in global youth forums, as opposed to the old people who went there on our behalves. We have been given a chance to not only give our views and concerns. But to also point out what we are doing to make things better. In this case, what part are we playing in fighting climate change?

We have Brilliant Youths with Genius ideas, that our government can benefit from

From the few forums that I have been lucky to attend, am always amazed at the numbers of organizations founded by our youth. From all ages and walks of life.

Organizations with valid and genus ideas , that will help us restore our planet health.

The main problem still remains to be the funds. Whereby, the lucky ones that have knocked enough doors or have profit-generating ideas, get sponsored easily.

As we may realize by now, most of the climate change solutions are geared towards cutting back profits. And making difficult decisions for a better tomorrow.

Are we doing equally enough outside the boardrooms?

We usually have very interactive and productive sessions when we come together. Each one of us sharing on how they impact our planet status positively.

The ideas I get to know in these sessions are enough to help us cool our planet to 1.5 degrees Celcius. But do we do equally enough outside there? Do we take our recommendation seriously and practice practically for results.

Am yet to get that answer, but in my own space. I think I can still do more. Hence not doing enough as required.

It’s clear that our planet is at the verge of losing more life and being exposed to adverse weather conditions. Hence, nothing is business as usual. We have to act as if our planet is on fire, but not the same way we give less attention to our burning forests. Maybe we can equivalent it to an emergency situation whereby few minutes can either save a life or lose it to death.

We have had so many recommendations suggested in the Paris Meeting of 2015, which turned out not to be workable. In that, even if we adhered to them, the temperates would still be over the target. (1.5 degrees Celcius).


We are running out of options and if we don’t react fast, we will lose this battle. Climate change will take away species, food our cities, desertify other places and make life unbearable. If we don’t address it aggressively. The same way it is attacking us.

Let us walk the talks, continue promoting capacity building and giving the fight against Climate Change 1st priority in all our plans.

Africa may still need to develop and catch up with the rest of the world, but we have to remember we are the most affected ones in this Climate Change saga. We have to see how we can reduce our greenhouse emissions as we stride towards developments.

May governments continue giving youth support, as well as other groups, ensuring that we don’t leave anyone behind.

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