Oloolua Nature Trail Place is the place to be after a long week at work

Oloolua Nature Place is the place to be after a long week at work.

Especially for those who are still in the city. Those who will not manage to visit family in upcountry due to various reasons. As well as those who love nature and hiking.

Welcome to Oloolua nature trail.
Welcome to Oloolua nature trail.

It’s a place for everyone who loves nature and awesome environment. Located at a very convenient place outside the city and very affordable. Not forgetting the climate inside there. It’s like a very different areas from the rest of Nairobi.

It allows you to enjoy picnic, light hiking, waterfall, camping, team building, among others. You just have to be creative and maximise on what Oloolua offers you.

This nature trail opens as early as 9:00 am, and go ahead to allow you enjoy yourselves till 6:00 pm. For those not camping. FYI, it never closes. It’s open 24/7.


Daytime visits

Citizens/ students Ksh 200 /= each, Children 100/= each
Residents Ksh 400 / =, Children 200/=
Foreigners Ksh 600 / =, Children 300/=

Evening camping per night

  • Adult Citizens Ksh 2000 /= , Children 1000/= `
  • Groups (10 people) Ksh 5000 /=
  • Residents Ksh 2, 5000 / children 1,500 /=
  • Foreigners Ksh 3,000/=, Children – Ksh 1,500/=
  • Foreigner group (10) Ksh 8,000 /=

The River

The river is the first blessing that welcomes you to this amazing nature trail. You can spend few minutes at the bridge, admiring the water flow or planning how you will undertake you hiking within the trail.

At the bridge
At the bridge

The Nature Trails

The trails.
The trails.

The nature trail have been strategically placed within Oloolua. Hence no need for a tour guide. You can simply follow the trail and manage to cover all the places within this nature trails.

The place is a bit humid hence slippery. And the woods used to mark the trail help in providing support as well.

There are alot of roots and fallen trees. So slipping should not be a worry. There are plenty of structures to support you. From the overgrown huge roots, shrubs, fallen twigs, among others.

The Water Fall

The Water fall
The Water fall

There is a water fall that is very easily accessible. Allowing you to almost get at its exact location. It provdes the best view and a good place to relax by the river side. As you watch birds get busy building their nest on the nearby trees.

Trying to get closer

Most of the biggest trees in this nature trail are found near this river.

Happy to see the water fall

The Cave

Who doesn’t love caves?

At the caves.
At the caves.

Unlike other caves that can be difficult t access. The one found here is an easy one. Yet a very tricky one to miss. It’s located adjacent to the nature trail.

It’s somehow cold inside due to all the humid coming from the forest floor above. And also have the humid smell. With the help of some artificial light, you can be able to explore inside the cave.

Picnic and camping sites

These sites have been modified within. The modifications are minimal, hence they are almost similar to the rest of the forests. The vegetation ist still thick.

Giving a feeling similar to that of a bigger forest or conservation areas.

Inside Oloolua



The only wildlife I spotted during my visit was monkeys and a few butterflies.

Oloolua is the home to Institute of Primate Research. If you would like to learn more about primates,just pay a visit to their offices.



Benches have been distributed in various spots within Oloolua. For the little  and elderly ones, they have places to sit while taking rests.

What I loved most

The atmosphere was my best part of the trip. There was cool temperatures and almost no noise expect birds chirping and water movements.

Little fun trying to swing
Little fun trying to swing
Can I be free_

The cool temperatures made it almost impossible to notice any fatigue. And gave me some unique form of peace. Its like my world had been reset to factory settings. 

Its one place i will keep revisiting for inspirations, me time, exhaling, among others.

Till next time
Till next time

You too should give it a try and enjoy Oloolua Nature Trail.

16 thoughts on “Oloolua Nature Trail Place is the place to be after a long week at work”

  1. I was interested in visiting this trail while I was there but it didn’t work out. After your post, I almost feel like I was there! This is very well done and gave me all the information I wanted. Thank you so much for sharing it!


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