Outdoor activities of great help

Outdoor activities of great help

Outdoor activities are of great help. Activities that make use of every part of you from brains, muscles, and even soul.

Such activities are very important for our wholesomeness. Allows us to enrich every aspect of our being. Hence keeping away doctors and poor health. And mostly at a very low cost. Yet benefits are so many.

These outdoor activities includes:

Rock climbing

Rock climbing can be categorized into various groups depending on their difficulties levels.

Some may be easy for all groups with or without experience. But the participants have to have no phobia of heights.

As you climb these rocks, you will get to use all your limbs. That is, both your hands and legs. For moments. Mostly it will involve the tips of your toes and fingers. Which we rarely subject to such pressure in our normal lives.

We get to understand the strength of some of the body parts that we may have taken for granted.

You are also forced to trust the rope tied around your waist in case of any trembling or incidences. Trusting that in case all goes wrong you can always hang in the air as you wait for help to come. The rope also helps you balance your weight, on your way down. Preventing you crushing to your death.

That’s why it’s very important to always have the right equipment for such activities.

Bungee Jumping

Would you make yourself fall freely from great heights and enjoy the adrenaline that comes with it?

Not many of us are open to such. It needs courage and practice.

They mostly hit many at the point where they are to make that jump. And retreat.

Zip lining

This is best done in forests or areas with a good presence of nature.

As you zip through the forest, you get to enjoy a great bird view from above. But this is not the case during your first time. Where most, you end up thinking how you can go down crashing into the trees or water bodies beneath you. You will rarely look down but hold tight on the gears to ensure nothing goes wrong.

The end of the zip is where things get interesting. It’s like learning driving all over again. You have to control your spending and ensure you slow down for a smooth stop.

Sweaty hands and faint hearts can be a downer at such outdoor activities.

Extreme hiking

We are so used to transport of means in all of our transit. To a point of hardly making enough steps in any given day.

So what happens when you finally decide to make it to the top of the mountain. Not only do you have a distance to cover, but it’s also elevated and your attitude keeps changing as you climb up.

You may not feel anything in the first thirty or so minutes. To a point of even chatting happily with your friends. But they come to a point where the laughter fades away and each concentrates on their breathing. Not forgetting the body parts will be screaming at the loudest voices.

One step will seem like a thousand of them. Sweat will turn to salt and your lungs will be painful as you take your breaths.

But never give in to your body demands and decide to take a rest by sitting down before you get to the pick. If you must take a few breaths, do so while standing.

Also start with easy and moderate mountains to hike, before challenging the difficult ones.


These are just some of the outdoor activities that I just you to try out this weekend.

Make your body sweat, refresh your mind and rejuvenate your soul.

Enjoy the adrenaline rush and create memories for your future self.

Have an opportunity to understand why you need to fight for conservation areas. Ensuring that no one grabs or encroaches on them. Because it’s of public importance and belongs to you too.

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