Did you know that Lions are disappearing?

Did you know that Lions are disappearing?

Did you know that Lions are disappearing? Did you know that lions are disappearing? Their populations are rapidly decreasing around the world. And the rate at which they are declining, is alarming. Shocking Facts In 21 years it’s population decreased by 43%. Regionally, lions have gone extinct in 15 African countries. In 1996 the IUCN … Read more

The Lioness that introduced themselves to Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya

The Lioness that introduced themselves to Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya

Three lionesses from Lake Nakuru National Park found themselves into the Soysambu Conservancy in search of their own territory and made it the new home. They were the first lions to be in Soysambu. Soysambu is located in Nakuru County, Kenya bordered by Lake Nakuru National Park, Ol Doinyo Eburru, and Menengai Crater. Soysambu Conservancy … Read more