Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities?

Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities?

Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities? Or are they vulnerable just like the other parts of conservation areas.

From the previous blog, we were to get to know some of mountains found in the amazing Kenya. It’s important I let you know that some of those mountains act as the source of water to most part f the country. They literally hold our lives as water is life.

Apart from being a source of many rivers and springs, they offer habitat to our wildlife and allow engage in various outdoor activities.

Wildlife land encroachment and grabbing have been the greatest and deadliest threat to the survival of wildlife. The land being grabbed was the one considered convenient for farming and adjusted to the farms. Mostly, the flat areas.

This may make you think that mountains are safe. But that’s not the case. We are still losing them to developments and civilization.

Threats facing Mountains

  • Best trees are mostly found in the mountains. Hence loggers will target these places. Promoting deforestation and distrusting the vegetation cover in these particular mountains. They will do their best to sneak into these forests and cut down the trees.
  • Demand for geothermal energy. This mostly affect the active volcano mountains. Energy companies over exploit them, destroying them in return. They go ahead to build plants at the foot of these mountains, introducing tarmacked roads, among other developments. Which cause more destruction to anything in the mountains. Wildlife get killed by the speeding vehicles. Caves used by indigenous species get destroyed as they drill into the calderas. Continuous drilling lead to destruction of the vegetation within the mountains.
  • Mountains are being bulldozed down to provide room for developments. This happens to the mountains that are within communities outside conservation areas. They are made flat like they never existed in the first place. It’s vegetation and animals, disappear in the process.
  • The wildfires. The ones that occur naturally have less damage and more benefits. But the ones caused by humans, end up wiping away both vegetation and wildlife (insects, big animals, birds, etc).

Destruction of the mountains due to development activities is our loss

As much as it may seem as if it’s the mountains and it’s community losing the battle. It’s not, but we are losers in this scenario.

When we take more than nature can reproduce, it does give up and fail to reproduce. And since we still need the provision, we end up suffering it’s scarcity.

The water bodies and their feeders are drying up. Yet we still need water. No more trees to help create clouds for rains. So we experience the dry climates. We only realize this when it finally bites us. Then we start fighting with each other. Annoying part being trying to reason with those who refuse to accept consequences of our impact on nature.

Vegetation especially the ones found in trees are very vital for provision of the oxygen we need. And consumption of the carbon we produced. They breathe for us and take away our waste gases. So what happens when we cut them down?

They are home to a wide variety of both flora (vegetation) and fauna (animals). Where do they go to when we take away their home. They die and get extinct. Then we have no wildlife to enjoy. No vegetation for the many benefits. But only a bare land with no importance.


Nature is able to offer resources for our survival but not our greed. The way it works, it’s able to repair its self if allowed time. We just have to practice sustainable use of resources.

Whatever we do to the nature and it’s species, we are indirectly doing it to ourselves and future generations.

The mountains doesn’t need us, we need them. Same to the vegetation, natural resources and other living organisms.

Lets stop causing imbalance in the ecosystems processes.

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