Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities?

Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities?

Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities? Are the Mountains Safe from the Development Activities? Or are they vulnerable just like the other parts of conservation areas. From the previous blog, we were to get to know some of mountains found in the amazing Kenya. It’s important I let you know that some of … Read more

Media as a tool in Conservation

Media as a tool in Conservation

Media as a tool in Conservation Media as a tool in Conservation. It’s a very important and effective means of educating communities about conservation education and awareness. But that is not being fully utilized. Lets explore how media addresses conservation in Kenya Kenya is yet to do a good job in the world of conservation. … Read more

The Painted Wolf aka African Wild dogs

The Painted Wolf aka African Wild dogs

The Painted Wolf aka African Wild dogs The painted wolf is also known as African wild dogs. They are one of the most amazing canines in the wild. Unlike the dogs at home, they don’t do so well under captivity conditions. African Wild Dog They have been given a number of names, i.e painted hunting … Read more