The Benefits of Sustainable Tourism for Local Communities

The Benefits of Sustainable Tourism for Local Communities

For many people, a vacation is the only time of year they’re able to travel. But with the rapid growth of travel as a luxury in recent years has come to a rise in traveler awareness about how our vacations affect the places we visit as tourists. As such, there are now more resources than … Read more

GUEST POST: A Guide to Having a Sustainable and Guilt-free Lifestyle

GUEST POST: A Guide to Having a Sustainable and Guilt-free Lifestyle

Let’s face it. Going green in a single-use plastic world is challenging. Everywhere you look, there are plastic—iced coffee cups, shampoo sachets, grocery bags, food containers, parcel pouches from online shops, and the list goes on. And it’s not going anywhere soon. Currently, plastic accounts for 85% of marine waste and could double by 2030. … Read more

Ubunifu Hub

Ubunifu is a Swahili word for Creativity. Are you in Kenya? Creative with limited or no resources, and would love to explore? Ubunifu hub is your newfound Home. Ubunifu hub is possible through One Planet. One planet Youth program by Green Peace and Fryshuset Aged 15 – 25 years old To engage, broaden and strengthen … Read more

Reflections on the Solid Waste and Climate Change Webinar

Reflections on the Solid Waste and Climate Change Webinar

During the last weeks of last year, I was invited into a webinar on how solid waste leads to climate change. Packed with youth and experts who expounded over and above on what is ailing us when it comes to curbing or at least fighting climate change. We have been in fight mode, especially when … Read more

Are you living a sustainable lifestyle?

Are you living a sustainable lifestyle?

A sustainable lifestyle will do good for our planet. With all existing shops and places to learn more about sustainability, you will be inspired by new ideas, products, and trends for your home, health, and wardrobe. Sustainable Lifestyle offers concrete information on everything from eco-friendly paints to the latest resource-conserving kitchen appliances from today’s leading … Read more

Energy Retreat

Energy Retreat

It was an amazing experience mingling with Energy people, some few weeks ago, during a retreat. The discussions, chats, and presentations continued to make it more clear how Energy and Climate Change are inseparable. How Green is Green Energy? As we strive for Green energy, do we consider how we get it or are lives … Read more

At the Baus Taka Mobile App Launch

At the Baus Taka Mobile App Launch

Solid waste has been a problem for a while now. With our habit of remaining trendy, buying new instead of repairing, going for single-use instead of reusable, and our manufacturers not embracing the circular economy. With all these flaws, a lot of waste has been ending up in landfills. This has been made worst by … Read more

Take care of yourself as you push for a better and healthier planet

Take care of yourself as you push for a better and healthier planet

On a planet where climate change continues to be seen as a future problem, it’s important to take care of yourself. Don’t push too hard for the betterment of our planet and neglect your health. That includes your mental health. Be hopeful, and do your part. Remember to acknowledge any positive progress, influence wins, etc. … Read more

How my weekend was

How my weekend was

Thanks to all the supporting comments, messages, and emails. Hope is what we are not losing, we may be down and crawling at the moment. But all shall be well, and it’s worth the fight. Spent Saturday morning at the Mama Fauzia Children’s Center filling the gap left during our last planting. Connected with amazing … Read more

To Many More Gardens

To Many More Gardens

A few months ago, my dream of having gardens at orphan centers was made doable. Thanks to the One Movement Fund, which provided the needed funds. While Young Muslims Association connected me to orphan centers. Unstable donations Most of the orphan centers rely on well-wishers and donors for their basic needs. Limited space makes it … Read more