Some areas continue to suffer drought, with many rivers drying up.
This has led to a shortage of water and given trouble to anything that depends on it. Which we know, is almost everything.
If trees were to be planted in these areas, with no after-planting plans. Almost if not all seedlings will die. But if these trees were planted a few years ago, before we got here. Maybe things would have been better.
I keep reading how people have changed deserts into forests, with very beautiful before and after photos. What if this is made to happen in our arid and semi-arid areas.
It’s heartbreaking watching kids travel long distances for water.
Devastating to watch livestock die from hunger and thirst.
Even worst, is to watch an area turn into a desert.
Climate change is hitting areas hard, and people are suffering. The environment is deteriorating, and some species getting wiped away from the face of the earth.