How Do You Handle Your Waste?

How Do You Handle Your Waste?

How Do You Handle Your Waste?
Do you take good care of your waste?
Do you stop to think about the final destination of your waste?
Or do you not bother yourself with all that?
Why do people throw waste through their Windows?
In moving cars, ship, plane, or anything that moves,
As they stretch their hands outside the windows,
And freely let go the waste.
What about when w decide to mix up wastes,
The recyclables together with the unrecyclable,
Glasses and plastics or even with expired medicines,
Biodegradable and non-biogradables.
What about dropping the tiny wraps on the streets,
Sticking chewing gums on walls or furniture hoping no one will see,
Getting rid of our nails in public not worrying where it lands,
The little tiny waste, does it matter?

Sometimes I wonder why we need people hired to clean our streets.

If we could each take good care of our waste. Dust bins well-labeled have been placed almost at every corner of our towns and cities. So if every one of us took trash where it needs to be, then we will not need to have people cleaning afterward.

Throwing waste through windows is a very bad and dangerous habit. What if it lands on someone or the car behind you. Making it difficult for the driver to see and end up getting into an incident. Or end up being consumed by an animal that may be feeding alongside the road. Not only is it dangerous to our environment, but also other living organisms.

We should make it a habit to correctly dispose of our waste. Place trash in the right container and make it easier for those who have to give the waste the final destination. No matter the size of the waste, make sure you correctly dispose of it.

Information is easily available to help us understand how well to take care of any kind of trash.

Be kind to the environment, others and yourself.

8 thoughts on “How Do You Handle Your Waste?”

  1. So true! We definitely need to be more aware what we do with our trash! I live on a lake and walking around it I’ll find the most random things that hurt all the fish and turtles living in the lake. 🙁
    -Rosemary Grace


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