It’s My Birthday

It’s 20th October, a time to enjoy gift of another brand new year. Time to reflect on the progress, what needs to be changed, new strategies as well as goals.

Am grateful for the new friends I made this past year, and grateful for the fake ones that dropped out on the way. I have to learn from experiences both bad and good. Animals still remain the best buddies, starting with my lovely cat, Snow. She has grown big and slowly reducing the cuddles. Luckily, I still get the rough kisses and face wash once in a while. I love my cat.

I have been able to broaden my knowledge on climate change and was able to meet new friends in the activism field. They have challenged me in different ways and I can say for sure that, we are heading somewhere. Youths and old are giving climate change and wildlife conservation some attention. They are beginning to appreciate them and showing interest to learn more.

I will be joining one of the activists in greening our planet, and look forward to planting some trees. With the hope that our host has a plan to ensure the seedlings are well taken care of. I will share more on this in the next blog.

Wherever you are, have a good time and help enjoy my birthday.

Cheers dear ones!!!

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