Ocean Called and I answered

Ocean Called and I answered

Ocean called and I answered, I could not resist. It has been several difficult days and I started feeling almost completely dead inside. Not making any meaningful progress for a while. And not happy with most of the stuff happening around me.

So when my two awesome buddies invited me for a clean-up activity at the Mombasa Marine Park and Reserve, plus its beach. I didn’t think twice.

The long trip to Mombasa

Since I was traveling with a friend and not being able to enjoy a long trip for a while. I opted to travel to Mombasa via bus. Which took roughly seven hours to complete the journey. It was one long trip since we traveled at night. We got to enjoy a movie and some sleep.

We had an experience almost resembling that of a road trip. In fact, it gave me an idea of enjoying a road trip soon.

Mombasa is blessed with rich marine life and community culture, that attracts people from all over the world. Its Marine Park and Reserve is conveniently located within Mombasa city. Making Mombasa another Kenyan city having a national park at its heart.

It is packed with a wide variety of activities that you can be involved with. And at very affordable prices, you don’t have to break any bank to have some fun in this city.

Cleaning the Ocean

It was my first time to physically witness the cleaning of the ocean. The experts in diving among the team, are the ones who went for the waste within the corals.

I also got to enjoy some bit of snorkeling which opened my eyes to the underworld. Life is beautiful down there. A full ecosystem with awesome species.

There was this particular huge fish that gave us company almost throughout the sessions. My first time to see it, I was a little bit panicked. But my instructor assured me, they will be no harm. And encouraged me to enjoy the view.

When you have passionate and friendly instructors at the ocean, you get to have the well-detailed experience to enjoy. That’s why I would advise, you opt for the KWS marine team for all your needs on that trip.

We later continued with the clean-up at the beach. Where we were able to collect 65 kgs of waste from a 700 meters distance.

It was really sad to see how poor waste management is polluting our environment.

I also noticed that people have grabbed space meant for marine life. They have built to the very edge of the ocean, reducing the beach size by far.


I got a lot to share about my lessons learned today and will definitely share them in the next few days.

Am rejuvenated and ready to tackle whatever crosses my path.

Make sure that you are not part of the problem, but rather be the solution.

11 thoughts on “Ocean Called and I answered”

  1. That is so awesome. Not only did you leave the beach more beautiful than you found it, you were rewarded with the joy that nature and good friends provide. The world is a better place because you are here educating us all and showing us by your examole how we can take care of Mother Nature so she can better care for us. 🤗


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