Role of Wildlife Clubs Towards Conservation

Wildlife clubs play a vital role in conservation at grassroots. These clubs are introduced to all schools and educational materials provided.
Wildlife Clubs of Kenya  (WCK) is a charitable organization. It offers training and research programs. It is responsible for the various wildlife clubs in Kenya.

It was founded back in 1966. Its main goal is to enlighten the youth on the environment and wildlife. This organization is supported by the Kenyan government through the Ministry of Environment and Natural resources.

It has mainly been successful in schools, colleges, and universities. They also allow corporate, individual, and charity membership plans.

Benefits of joining wildlife clubs of Kenya

  • Subsidized park fees for members.
  • Abundant information through training and research,
  • Cheap accommodation.
  • Participation in fun activities.

So how does conservation benefit from these clubs?

Enlightening of the youth

Youth is the background of society. Enlightening them provides strong support towards conservation and the environment.

Provision of the needed knowledge about the environment and wildlife

WCK offers teachings, videos, and illustrations about conservation. They apply various methods to spread conservation education and awareness.

Promotion of domestic tourism

As a WCK member, you are able to enjoy subsidized park fees. This in return promotes domestic tourism within the local community.

Productive fun activities that promote conservation

WCK fun activities include tree planting, workshops, essays, among others. These activities are geared toward conservation.

Promotion of careers that promote conservation

WCK offers training and research that promotes careers in the environment.

If you are a teacher or lecturer, I would like you to promote wildlife clubs. Let’s encourage more participation. It is also advisable to provide charity to this charitable organization. Any support will be well appreciated.

3 thoughts on “Role of Wildlife Clubs Towards Conservation”

  1. Am a wildlife club patron of St Maria goretti rombo girls sec school. Am privileged to have done many activities with my Members. Aluta continua


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