My Favourite Bird : African Hoopoe

My Favourite Bird: African Hoopoe

My Favourite Bird: African Hoopoe African Hoopoe happen to my favorite bird. Who stole my heart during my internship at the Hell’s Gate National Park, Kenya. It was here that I was able to spend some quality time with this bird. Ending up loving her so much. Hammock nest may have amazed me due to … Read more

Top 5 Tips for a Beginner Bird Watcher / Guest Post

Top 5 Tips for a Beginner Bird Watcher / Guest Post

Top 5 Tips for a Beginner Bird Watcher / Guest Post Bird watching is a scientific sport and a popular hobby of observing birds. And whoever does this can be referred to as a bird watcher. This hobby brings you closer to nature. There is a heart filled joy that you will experience when you … Read more

Let's do some bird watching: African Fish Eagle

Let's do some bird watching: African Fish Eagle

Let’s do some bird watching: African Fish Eagle Let’s do some bird watching and explore more about the African Fish Eagle. Time to enjoy clarity through binoculars. Bird-watching Unlike the usual wildlife observation including the mammals, reptiles, and other ground wildlife. Bird watching allows us to observe birds and test our spoting/hearing/instincts towards birds. Bird … Read more