Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides

Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides

Why We Need Trees on our Roadsides. Not only will they make our roads more appealing, but they will also be vital in curbing climate change. We all know that trees breathe in the carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Which we need for survival. Hence very important in our lives.

Benefits that comes with planting trees on the roadsides

  • Our insects which are important for food production are vanishing due to loss of habitats. These trees will be able to offer them a home and other important resources.
  • They will help reduce the cost of road maintenance. This is especially during heavy rains that cause runoff. Instead of water getting stagnated on our roads, the trees will drink it up. Promoting flood control, reduced soil erosion as well as filtering the water before it gets to the water table below.
  • The locals will be able to get jobs to maintain these trees. Hence creating employment opportunities.
  • Absorption of the greenhouse gases emissions from the vehicles. The emitted gases will be absorbed by these trees, hence reduced what amounts get to the ozone layer. With that, we can be able to reduce global warming.
  • They will provide a clean atmosphere. By offering us oxygen, we will be able to fight air pollution by the burning of fuels in vehicles.
  • A beautiful view that will promote tourism. People are attracted to beautiful things, places, etc. They will grace our roads with beauty.
  • A shade that will be helpful for travelers. When you need to stop for a few minutes, or less. You will have a shade to enjoy on the roadside. Allowing both you and the vehicle to cool down. We will also not burn from the sun through the windows.
  • Trees are also capable to reduce the noise pollution from the moving vehicles.
  • Importantly, they can be used to act as a conservation corridor. Where the trees offer habitat between the different areas on their sides.
  • With trees on our roadside, they will be no dust pollution. The soil will be firmly attached to the ground.
  • What about the strong winds that we experience sometimes. The trees will act as windbreakers.

Important to consider while selecting trees for planting on the Roadsides

Native tree species to these areas. This is because they can be able to thrive here with their already acquired adaptations.

The size and form of the trees

Quality of the tree species


We truly need trees on our roadsides.

Think of a road trip that will involve passing an empty land with no vegetation. It will be dusty, hot, boring, just to name a few.

But one that has trees on both sides, not only will you enjoy the running trees. You will get to enjoy all the benefits mentioned above.

It’s an excellent and productive deal, let us promote tree planting and growing on our highways.

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