Just like other parts of the world, African youths are doing their best to save our planet through various means. From creating awareness, being creative around plastic waste management, pushing for eco-friendly laws, offering education, among other awesome stuff.

Here are a few of them  that I was able to learn about from the Liberian Youth for Climate Actions – LYCA

Meet some of the African youths doing their best to save our planet

Aliyu Yusuf

He is from Nigeria.

He discovered that people in his community cut trees regularly, and this triggered him to find solutions. As the weather continues to be extremely harsh.

He started by planting trees in his community to tackle deforestation and reduce the excessive increase in temperature by at least 1.5 C as UN Environment and SDG goal 13 are advocating for. He is also trying to sensitize them on the effects of cutting and felling down trees.

Ebikiye Boloubowei Jackson

He is from Kolokuma/Opokuma, in Nigeria.

A graduate of Civil/Hydrology Engineering, Community WASH Resource Person. He advocates for sustainable communities in the building of biodigesters.

Biodigesters: Also known as the biogas system is a waste-management solution that traps methane as it is produced, making it available for heating, cooking, or even electricity.

Jackson believes the promotion, development, and eventual deployment of Anaerobic Biodigesters to Households/SME’s will help to reuse, repair, and recycle waste to clean energy (Biogas) for different application in Society.

The bio-fertilizer gotten will be reintroduced to farms and gardens for soil improvement with increase crop growth.

Nicole Rode

She is an environmental and advocacy journalist from Durban, South Africa. As well as a creative communications specialist using her skills to amplify the call for climate action and climate justice.

She believes that saving the planet comes down to our individual choices as consumers by reducing our carbon.

Although our individual choices such as flying less, eating less meat, planting trees, or growing our food do not necessarily bring about the systemic change that we need to reduce global emissions to net-zero, they do serve to set an example and as a climate conversation starter, influencing members of our communities to delve a little deeper into what the climate crisis means for them and what they can do about it.

Roseline Isata Mansaray

She is an African climate activist. Founder of Fridays for future Sierra Leone (@FFF_SierraLeone), together with a team of committed young people.

She is concerned about the too much uncontrolled environmental damage, more so the trees are being cut down.

Advocates for green practices that involve guidance on land use, mass tree, strict laws, and political will.

Derrick Mugisha

He is an Environmental Scientist from Makerere University

He is the Uganda Earth day network Regional Director, the National Coordinator Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network, and the founder of the Fika Afrika Advocacy Foundation.

He is passionate about Ecotourism, Youth Development, and Good Governance.

He advocates for afforestation, environment cleanup, effective waste management, and protection of riparian areas, sustainable livestock farming, and the growth of indigenous species.

Sinan Kitagenda

He is a passionate wildlife biologist and a climate-change activist with Eco-Brix.

He is currently advocating for government and multinational-companies’ intervention into the plastic-pollution-crisis in Uganda.

He deeply desires to use his skills to advocate for civic education and youth-capacity building on environmental conservation and climate-change mitigation.

He together with his team is helping tackle the plastic pollution crisis in Uganda.

At Eco-Brixs, they are using the existing youth force in Uganda to do more advocacy and henceforth become more innovative about the Plastic pollution crisis in Uganda, through expanding more eco-clubs in schools motivating the student to become eco-warriors by paying them an extra income from the plastic they collect. By giving trash a value, they are building resilient zero waste communities through innovative approaches and solutions.

Their latest innovation has been recycling plastics to make face shields which are helping frontline workers to protect themselves against COVID-19 in Uganda.

Irene Nagudi

She is an environmental scientist by profession and co-founder of two environmental conservation youth organizations i.e. Fika Afrika Advocacy Foundation and Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network- a chapter linked to the Global Youth Biodiversity Network.

She is involved in education and awareness about sustainable practices like plastics waste management, clean water advocacy, and climate change through campaigns, petitions, school outreaches.

She is a founder of Kichini Gardener that promotes sustainable gardening practices among school children and communities.

She understands that hunger is on a rise with unsustainable food production with limited ideas about conservation or even adverse effects of climate change resulting from their doings.

She believes through sustainable Gardening, we will be connecting children to the conservation of life in the garden and increase green spaces within our homes, and serving as role models to our communities.

Sarah Aminah Namiiro

She is from Uganda. A student leader who is passionate about climate action and sustainable development. She is a member of several environmental movements in Uganda such as Youth Go Green for which I was the team leader in my university, Eco Brixs, Plants4Life, Global youth biodiversity Network, and others.

She is promoting awareness in her university and community through student associations, public campaigns, demonstrations, and social media to the problems and feasible solutions such as tree planting, equality, innovation, sustainable use, and behavioral change.

She advocates for the reduction, reuse, recycles, and reuse of single-use plastic by mass awareness and policy advocacy. She has partnered with Eco Brixs Company.

She also advocates for tree planting and growing through the Plants4Life initiative that encourages tree planting on special life occasions like birthdays, weddings, etc.!

 Blutus Mbambi

He is from Zambia and currently serving as the president of the Environmental Society at Information and Communication University.

He believes that we are on Earth to take care of life and each other. He’s passionate about Climate change and environmental issues.

He acknowledges the frequency of drought and shorter rainy seasons which have increased crop loss and food insecurity. As well as limited irrigation to adapt to climate change (local communities), an increase in exploration of mukutrees (ecological species), and land degradation (deforestation), which has increased the level of Green House gases. He attributes these to a lack of robust regulations and policies to enforce human activities on waste management.

He believes the formulation of laws and regulations will help promote a green economy and building up capacity. Using schools to address climate change educating students about environmental issues.

Benard Kioko Ndaka

He is from Kenya. The founder and CEO of the Green Economy foundation of Kenya – an Environmental conservation-based organization.

He is passionate about solving environmental challenges such as climate change and poverty within our society. And dreams of planting 100 million trees in Africa and other parts of the World.

He advocates for the inclusion of environmental conservation studies in our schools, support of the environmental ambassadors, protection of trees especially within cities, and easy procedures when requesting permission to plant trees.

Robert Slewion

He is an environmentalist and the Founder & Executive Director at Roberto Santi Climate Reality Project Liberia.

He is currently researching how to build a resilient climate Smart generation in Africa.

He believes humans are the problem and can be the solution if we work collectively. He blames the lack of climate education in our local communities, schools, workplaces and our surroundings keep us doing the same thing over and over.

He advocates for tree planting, encourages zero waste, public engagement, and Climate law to preserve the Environment. Awareness-raising is Cardinals to the fight for Climate Justice.

Teddy P. Taylor

He is a young Liberian climate activist. He served as a research consultant for Songhai Advisory, LLP, and a business intelligence consultancy providing critical insight on market opportunities in Sub -Sahara Africa.

In November 2015, 2017, and 2019, he was selected as a member of the Liberian Government delegation to the Paris Climate Change conference also refer to as the Twenty-first Conference of the Parties (COP 21), Twenty-third Conference of the Parties (COP 23) and Twenty-fifth Conference of the Parties (COP 25) held in Paris, France, Bonn, Germany, and Spain respectively.

He discovered that youths were not given the space, knowledge, and access to information in addressing climate change issues. He takes this problem so seriously that when given the chance at meetings, fora, and conferences it’s discussed. Youth inclusion is his key problem to be solved by him.

Desmond Alugnoa

He is a social entrepreneur and an advocate for community empowerment. His work started in 2012 and has helped build the capacities of youth both in cities and in rural communities of Ghana to take meaningful actions at different levels of the environment.

He identified two major problems as a youth student; improper solid waste management is the root cause of perennial floods in Ghanaian cities and the widespread of sanitation-related sicknesses and that youth in rural communities in Ghana have been sandwiched between this poor sanitation and economic hardships with limited opportunities to test their creativity and talent.

He co-founded the Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) to create jobs for women and youth in Ghana by recycling plastic wastes into raincoats, shopping bags, and other valuable products and producing compost from degradable waste to support communities.

Mwewa Enock

He is from Zambia and a trained Climate Leader.

He advocates that we put a stop to the dependency on plastics especially that which is for one-time use only. Manufacturing industries should track their plastic waste and remove it from the environment. Governments should also come up with policies that put plastic pollution to a zero baseline i.e. polluter and manufacturer pay principles. The public also has a key role to play as ending plastic pollution requires collective efforts. Let’s clean after our environment. It might not be our trash but it is our earth.

Oluwatosin Kate Olanrewaju-Elufowoju

She is a lawyer with a focus on Environment, Social Enterprise, SDGs, Sustainability, Policy/Regulations, Research, and Philanthropy. The Lead Consultant, Legal Vessel Consult which is my law office, and the Team Lead, Eco Pan-Africa a platform aimed at showcasing and promoting nature and sustainability in Africa through eco-premiership.

She strongly believes education should not just be about good grades for economic gains but a process of self-discovery, passion, and purpose tailored to meet and solve the needs of one’s immediate community, humanity, and society.

Her goal as a lawyer is to be able to get to the point where I can effectively influence policies and laws including creating legal forms that help green businesses and social enterprises thrive greatly.

Also, environmental laws are mostly soft laws that are not legally binding nor directly justifiable. The new international advocacy for environmentally degrading activities to be regarded as ecocide I believe will go a long way towards helping to curb climate injustice and environmental degradation.

Mallayka Ianna Oddenyo

She is from Kenya, aged 12 years old a student in Grade 7. Little Environmental Ambassador Kisumu County, Green Kids Award Winner Kenya, and also Earth Day Network Africa Ambassador.

She recognizes that there are uncountable problems that our mother earth is facing. Especially in Kenya, cutting down trees that cause flooding. Plastic pollutes our poor Lake Victoria and oceans. Whereby, the production of fish is going down because many fish are being killed due to plastics.

She advocates for the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle), tree planting, and creating awareness.

She advises you to remember to plant a tree as you celebrate your birthday.

Hamidu Sonko Biha

He is a 2020 Anzisha finalist, after being selected among Africa’s top 30 young transformational leaders by Leo Africa institute’s young and emerging leaders Project (YELP) of 2019. Also a 2019 Alumnus of Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) at the Regional Centre in Nairobi.

He recognizes that 90% of households depend on firewood and wood charcoal as sources of fuel for cooking, the remaining 10% use other energy sources (UNHS 2017). Ninety percent (90%) of the population live in rural areas and only 5% of the households can afford building materials such as tiles and paint to beautify their houses to prevent themselves from exposure to hygienic threats such as jiggers infestations (UNHS 2018). And 85% of the available land is arable for farming, while applied poor agriculture inputs such acidic fertilizers have exhausted the soil which in turn affects productivity.

He believes using waste processing technology, Biha Eco Venture looks at developing low-cost building materials distributed on credit to enrich housing poverty in need areas. Biha Eco Venture is a recycling company, that innovatively uses wastes to make various products to solve social needs. we provide solutions through four interlinked revolutionary eco -products made using poultry eggshells as a primary material.

Eco- Charcoal is repurposing clean energy made from poultry eggshell powder(ESP), bound with a mixture from cassava blended with anti-mosquito repellent properties extracted from natural repellency herbs called Astronella. The product has less carbon and protects the end-user from toxic fumes. They supply supermarkets and sell through traditional suppliers of wood charcoal to reduce household energy consumption used per day.

Eco tiles are made from ESP to produce affordable tiles for low-income earners. We crush to obtain powder mixed with cement and innovatively molded to have an eco tile. Our product is marketed through local channels to fight the spread of jiggers among susceptible households.

Bwalya Bwalya

She is from Zambia, Lusaka. She’s very creative and innovative in recycling.

She is a fourth-year environmental education student. A former United Nations Environment (Tunza) Regional Ambassador to Africa. Currently serving as a sustainable climate champion under You-Retain Foundation and also Ambassador at Earth Day Network.

Being the firstborn in a family of two has helped Bwalya remain humble, focused, and determined to reach greater heights. Due to her love for community work, she realized that most environmental problems are caused because of a lack of awareness about environmental issues and sustainable development. This moved her to volunteer to work for a non-governmental organization called CHAWISH whose aim is to empower women with skills and let them take charge of environmental issues (Litter collection in their communities). She served as a youth coordinator for the mentioned institution.
Later she volunteered to work with other environmental organizations where she did several awareness programs. In 2019 she served as both United Nations Environment Ambassador & University of Zambia Environmental Education Students Association Vice President.

She did several outreach programs in schools and communities. They visited areas where they encouraged citizens to take up recycling as a way of life. She and her team worked for Hand and formed the first-ever recycling points at the University of Zambia School of Education (Entrance) so that everyone that goes in and out of the school is reminded of proper waste disposal methods. She has continued growing and learning and has currently developed some recycling skills which she has in turn taught to friends and some children identified.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are in Zambia and the community has lost them. This has left most people with no choice but to find alternative sources of income generation. This has led some people to start businesses supplying charcoal to people to meet daily needs. This led to a lot of environmental problems.

Rather than just tell people to stop charcoal burning, they need to be provided with alternative sources of income generation. Bwalya and her colleagues have formed a small group where they share business knowledge and skills (recycling) which they can also use to make a living.

Rahmina Paulette

She is a 15 years old young environmentalist, climate change ambassador, and professional model from Kisumu, Kenya.

She sat for her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) at the M.A Junior Academy last year and scored 356 marks. She then joined Kisumu Senior School this year for her Post Primary education. With schools closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, she is engaged with online learning to keep her sharp until schools reopen.

The young girl has won many awards since 2016. Little Miss Kenya Kisumu county, 2016, Green Kids Award, 2018, Environmental Ambassador Kisumu county, 2018, Eco Warrior Tourism Change Maker Award, 2019 among a host of others.

Her love for environmental sustainability is very strong as we wish to become an environmental activist in the future. She cares and loves Lake Victoria so much. She believes that we should live in a world where we can enforce environmental sustainability and a greener environment.

Lake Victoria continues to be suffocated with water hyacinth; the weed hampering the free flow of movement in the freshwater body.

This is the situation Rahmina Paulette faced in 2016 when she decided to take a boat ride on the Lake. Accompanied by her mother, they could not go further into the Lake, thanks to the hyacinth.
There and then, she started thinking of how to help reduce the green weed in Lake Victoria.
” I just did some little research and found out that the hyacinth can be recycled,” said the 15-year-old girl.

She then got mentors who impacted her with knowledge of recycling water hyacinth into beautiful products such as cards and bags; she has never looked back. She’s championing for Lake Victoria to Breath. Proper waste management is our responsibility.


He is a National Youth Champion in Demographic Dividend and Policy communication. He is a Founder and Director of a youth organization called Youth Action for Success and Development based in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi. He is a strong activist in climate change, human rights, youth empowerment, and education. He is a youth ambassador for Malawi- Scotland Partnership and also an environmental specialist of the African Youth Union Commission– Malawi chapter.

Edward is always proactive and driven to influence change at large. He has competent leadership and communication skills and also a team worker. He was awarded early this year as an outstanding young leader in climate change and governance at Sun-Bird Capital hotel, in Lilongwe City center by the Minister of Foreign affairs and International cooperation.

The motivation that ignited my attention to climate change was that our country, Motherland Malawi faces a lot of environmental problems. I felt bad to learn that little is being done and that youth participation in climate actions was poor. Through the assessment that I conducted, I realized that there are a lot of opportunities in the field of climate change but at the same, if little effort or actions are applied, then it simply means that we can’t restore our planet, Africa. I started mobilizing my fellow young people and other interested partners to join hands in addressing the impacts of Climate change.

Rhoda Chausa

A youth environmentalist from Tanzania, Earth Day Ambassador, and Global Biodiversity Youth Network member Tanzanian chapter. Last born in a family of two. Currently, a university student pursuing a degree in Geography and environmental studies. A leader of a university club dealing with environment ESCUDOM (Environmental Sustainability Club University of Dodoma) and a book reader as well as podcast listener, that’s how I keep myself know ledged day by day.

Her curiosity in understanding geography and nature as a whole made her develop so much passion for environmental studies and the passion-driven me into taking this field and do anything to be a part of it, as Robin Sharma said in his book The 5 am club “if you want to lead your field to become a performer and a person of depth”.

She collects the plastic and glass bottles and uses them for house décor making as well as plant pots. For the damaged ones, she returns them to their industry for recycling and remodeling.

George Orwell said “whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul” so she believes that everyone out there is being a watchdog to make sure that environmental conservation and management become the responsibility of every human being and as well as living sustainably.

Vilio T. Muunda

He is a 22 years old Environmental Biologist by profession, with an Honor’s degree and currently pursuing a master of Science in conservation biology at the University of Namibia.

Vilio’s love for effective natural resources management and maintenance of environmental stability is evident from his participation and involvement with conservation organizations all over Namibia. He is a firm believer that development can take place while supplementing (and not at the expense of) socioeconomic growth and environmental integrity.

With all the socio-ecological issues that are betiding in Namibia these days, from potential mining along our diverse Benguela Current coastline to the loss of habitats and biodiversity triggered by human activities, our ecological future looks bleak. Environmental clubs (our hope of reshaping the future) at schools are no longer as effective in delivering environmental education to the youth because they (youth) now prefer spending time on social media.

As such, they created the Namibia Environmental Health and Safety Education Project (NEHSEP) as a tool to help educate educators and the youth about the dangers posed by certain environmental activities as well as how we can adapt to the changing climatic conditions. We go about spreading this message through social media and by encouraging the establishment and strengthening of environmental clubs at schools across the country. The youth are the leaders of tomorrow, hence, if they are appropriately sensitized about the current environmental issues, then there is hope that such challenges will be alleviated shortly.

Lamin K Jammeh

A 22-year-old youth from The Gambia, West Africa, a student-teacher, volunteer, and also an environmental activist, I studied Diploma in Education at Gambia College and currently pursuing Advance Diploma Secondary in Education at Gambia College.

An active member of Social & Environmental Studies (S.E.S), I was the chairperson of the association for 2years, we engaged in tree plantings, clearings to mitigate bush fires and sensitizations of people for a positive change towards our environment because we need a well conducive environment for our survival and well-being and likewise animals too.

As a Teacher-Trainee, I join hands with others in enlightening the citizens and residents of The Gambia about our roles and responsibilities towards the environment and a better future for all creatures, we then established the Youth Movement For Civic Education (Y.M.F.C.E) which deals with the education, dialogue and informing people on their civic rights and responsibilities towards the nation and promotion of well structure environment for all irrespective of our differences.

Only a peace-loving person wishes to live in a peaceful environment and wishing the same for all species, that has been the case we embark on school-to-school dialogues with teachers and students on good management of our environment.

I am every day passionate about environmental work in creating conducive room for all habitant of land and air. During my leisure hours, I do work around nature to refresh my mind and also do more work for generations after me to enjoy and live a better life. I join with others to enlighten people on the dangers of improper waste management because when we don’t manage our waste materials properly, we will also be prone to diseases from those unmanaged waste materials. Part of my engagement with people is to motivate people to plant more trees since we need them in our daily well-being.

As an environmental activist, we face a lot of obstacles; motivation, support, gathering youths most especially voluntary works, people put 100% hope on the government to do all our needs while relaxing, etc

From the problems we are facing, we came together as youths and formed Youth Movement For Civic Education aside from our environmental foundations. YMFCE engages herself in creating more awareness in our civic rights and responsibilities which is really happing to us in our activism because many are now getting to know every right goes with responsibility so are our collective roles in ensuring to nation and world at large for our survival.


A 23-year-old environmentalist from Niger and an ambassador for climate change and a member of the Youth Volunteer for the Environment.

He did planting training, participated in youth forums on climate change organize in his region, was president of a green club for 3 years in his school in 2016. He had the honor of representing my country at the conference of the parties (cop 22) in Marrakech in Morocco from where he had to work with the Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD France) which he learned a lot in the field of research.

At COP22 He knew that there are methods of adaptation and mitigation and he is committed to protecting the environment. That’s why he continues to advocate with the government to first silting up the river and sensitizing the population for more tree planting and land reclamation for more green space and above all the promotion of renewable energy.

Ibrahim Barka

He is from Moussoro, Chad, aged 21 years old, tutelary with different
Professional and academic degrees. He was a member of YALI Mandela Washington Fellowship 2016, he is also Ambassador of EIP in 2019, representative of Kalinka in Chad in 2020, he is also representative of covid-19 from Africa to Chad, general manager of the company CARTHAGE.

His passion is to see my community and my country living Sustainability and be protected from cancer and other diseases that air pollution can bring into our daily life.

In his country Chad, many persons have been displaced from their homes in part due to climate change catastrophe. And acting becomes a duty for all of us. As the US former President Barack Obama said “we are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation that might do something about it”.

Ouattara Miti Madina

She is from Burkina Faso. Twenty-four (24) years old student doing her master’s degree in environment statistics. Currently a member of the Sahelian youth network for the climate.

She loves her country and seeing a world in which man can live with mother nature is her biggest dream. She is doing her best to contribute to having a better planet.

Trying to come up with effective solutions it is essential to go through awareness-raising to set up reforestation projects. The reduction of plastics wastes production through awareness-raising and cleaning up campaigns that are carried out. Actions are being taken but work remains to be done.

Paul Ayomide

Paul Ayomide is an advocate for a Clean Ocean and healthy environment, from Nigeria. He is a final year student at The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria studying Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology.
He is an active change agent passionate about adding value to the aquatic world and its resources and advocating for a sustainable environment.
Plastic pollution in Nigeria and globally started as insignificant body pain and gradually became a hemorrhagic fever and now fast turning to the pandemic which will shake the world more than that of Covid-19.
In January 2019 I took a step further towards enlightening people about the aquatic world and its resources to dig deep to reveal its prodigies. I started by organizing online talk shows on WhatsApp discussing some significant aquatic resources and unknown facts about them.
In March I took another important step towards bringing the talk show live to the Federal University of technology where we bring in different guests per show to enlighten our offline and online audience worldwide.
The little effort then is now an organization, Aquaworld having Timeouts members within and outside Nigeria through which we visit institutions and sensitize them about Ocean and Plastic Pollution and their adverse effects.

Ineza Umuhoza Grace

She is an Eko-Femist from Rwanda and an advocate that youth inclusion should be beyond advocacy and conference participation. I am an Environment and Water engineer from the University of Rwanda, a YALI Cohort 35 alumni, an emerging leader 2017 MOREMI, an entrepreneur, and a foodie.
Since 2012 I have always engaged in activities that can contribute to solving community issues. In 2017, she was part of the UNCCD youth forum, upon the declaration of the global youth initiative to combat desertification. The environment information gap between the youth and environment agencies, the insufficiency of youth actions in the environment sector, and the inactive recognition of the youth contribution called me to do what I can to resolve it. In 2017 she started what is today known as The Green Fighter a female youth-led environment NGO operating in Rwanda 2018. Our contribution is in form of project implementation, environment education, and action-driven advocacy. To date, they have conducted +10 initiative (global goal jam, April fool day, National debates, Dialogues) +3,000 young people are beneficiaries; designed five community-based projects, two of which will be implemented soon.


He originates from Cameroon and currently a student in the UNIVERSITY OF DSCHANG WEST REGION studying environmental sciences. Looking forward to being a great climate change activist and also try to make the SDGs reach all parts of the world especially in rural communities. Wishes to work with the UNITED NATION ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM (UNEP).
Our world especially mother nature is facing a lot of climatic problems climate change, floods, increase temperatures, deforestation, soil erosion, drought not leaving out desertification. At age 7 I was touched when I watched a documentary on the effect of the tsunami in Indonesia on 26th December 2004. The highest problem is man due to the action they enforce on the world. Also, the problem we face is trying to change the mentality of men in rural communities and face the problem of finance in the purchase of project accessories. So it’s time for us to act.
My way of fighting this problem is by SENSITIZATION and TREE PLANTING. For the future. According to research, one tree reduces at least 25-50% of Co2 from the atmosphere then imagine 1000 trees. So due to these, my government has encouraged me with themes like (OPERATION GREEN SAHEL, ONE CITIZEN ONE TREE, CUT ONE TREE PLANT TWO). I have chosen to make my world a better place by planting trees and I call on all youths from ASIA, EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA, and MAMA AFRICA. Let’s hold our hands together and make the world a better place so that our enemy climate change will be history, not a reality. OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR FUTURE. PLANT TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE.

Winnie Cheche

Am also a member of the team. Let’s continue doing our best to protect our planet.

Ibrahim Bahnasy Abdelhamid

He is from Egypt. A horticulturist graduated from the faculty of Agriculture and environmental co-founder. Participated in several events, conferences, lectures, workshops for social enterprises and initiatives in He has recently made a networking group on Facebook in cooperation with some friends. It is called G.P.E which collect, share and disseminate all possible Environmental publications, essays, news, projects, events, conferences, workshops, internships, scholarships, and similar opportunities in order to create a strong community that has the same interest towards the environment and its ability to apply together significant actions and solutions by any methods for the sake of environment and nature conservation.
Also a co-founder of an initiative called Orgoooo for awareness of environmental culture and issues present in our society by making sessions and workshops about environment and cultivation(the role of plants here is the solution for environment protection) especially for children (as they are the future generation) to teach them about the environment and providing simple basics about protecting it. So giving them the space to implement such activities on their own and leaving an impact on their lives.

Brenda Mwale

Brenda Mwale is a young leader from Malawi. She is a Food Technologist by profession and passionate about farming and grows different horticultural crops. She is a 2017 winner for the Future Africa Leaders Award, 2018 Top 100 SADC independent young leaders, 2019 Obama leader. She is also Ambassador for Malawi-Scotland Partnership and is also part of the team for Malawi National Youth Network on Climate Change and Green Girls Platform


All our action matters, and it all starts on a personal level. Make it a lifestyle to live right by our planet. Be generous enough to sustainably use the available natural resources, if you can refrain/ reduce your reliance on plastics, promote awareness, and together let us reclaim our healthy planet back.

What are you doing to adapt to and fight climate change?

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