Charity begins at home
Indeed, charity begins at home. Same applies to flora and fauna (plants and animals). They will both excel in their native places of origin. That’s where we got to get terms such such indigenous, exotic as well as invasive.
- Indigenous species : applies to species that occur in a given places naturally with no human intervention.
- Exotic species : applies species that have been introduced by humans knowingly or accidentally.
- Invasive species: applies to species that go beyond their introduction after being introduced y humans.
Why do we move species around away from their original home?
Humans are known of taking ownership of things they love or attracted to . Whatever brings profit or anything positive. They will try to exploit it more.
- Science and technology has brought a lot of developments in our world. Hence the need to learn more and engage in a wide variety of experiments. We experiment on animals to judge if it will be safe for humans. In the process move species away from their native places. We do so without putting species concern in considerations.
- Love for petting different species. Unlike old days where dogs and cats were the only animals considered for petting. Nowadays, that’s not the case. You can almost pet every species. from the tiniest ones, to the beasts. And this has made us to move animals from far places. Even different continents. Either legally or illegally. But do we consider side effects of such movements?
- The need to bring wildlife close to us. This has been the motivate behind any creation of zoos, orphanages, sanctuary or any man-made structures housing wildlife. As we settled into different places, we displaced wildlife and some ended up extinct. We tried to save them through such places. We also like having things as we want them. So we go different places, and bring wildlife from those areas back to our man-made structures.
- Again, we rarely consider impact on these animals. That’s why you will find a number of species that are endangered but still present in several zoos and orphanages. Not to reintroduce their population back to the wild again, but to trap them till their days fades away.
- Fortunately , some of these facilities try to do good for wildlife. But they are very few.
- Grass is greener on the other side. By default, we tend to love whats on the other side or what we don’t have. That’s why we are attracted to rare and indigenous species. And have nothing much for the other ones. That’s why these poor species will be poached and killed mercilessly. Just for some class status or false believes.
Why do we value foreign and neglect our own at home?
We should learn from our bodies. A body will need a very closely related body part or else reject it. Our bodies can help us understand importance of not moving stuff around anyhowly.
We are prone to be attracted and care much for a species out of our range.but t care less of what we have. Hence neglecting them and eventually losing them for good.
Do you treat your visitors/guest same as you do your family at home. Do you cook special meals for both ? Offer the long beautiful smiles just to bring happiness on the table. I rarely think so, after all most drama is related to family stuff. That’s why most will easily mix and help strangers than they wil do their own families.
With that in mind, what will happen to the species that surrounds us. We will bypass them and love those we can’t have.
What’s my point?
Wildlife belong to the wild, their natural habitat. Unless we are working on something for the good, we should stop the unnecessary experiments on them.
Home is a very special place for all living orgainsims. It’s a place they feel safe and thrive. Home is a beginning of our survival. Let’s stop moving species across continents for no good reasons.
We may have innocent reasons in our heart and insufficient information on our actions. Buts time we let charity begin at home for our species. Let’s stop moving the beautiful flowers away from their local areas. Let’s just take their photos and appreciate that.
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