Conservation Education and Awareness

Should conservation education and awareness be included in the syllabus? I think it should be included. I remember doing a  short survey on the same. It was a survey carried out by an environmental organization. Am yet to know what transpired after we gave our thoughts.

At what point were you exposed to conservation education? How was it done? Did you get an opportunity to understand its importance? Or was done just as a by the way.

As much I grew up loving nature and animals to be specific. It was a passion nurtured by the animals I was exposed to. My dad loves animals and he did much of my introduction to this animal world. I always accompanied him. My free time was dedicated to animals.

I guess this contributed to my few friends while growing up. I always find comfort in spending time with animals. I still do. They affect my moods and motivation. I could be having a terrible day but five minutes with animals, fixed everything. At least that’s how I feel.

It was in high school that I got exposure to wildlife and nature. This was through Wildlife Club that I was lucky to chair for two years. We didn’t have many activities as I wanted. We mainly planted trees and kept rabbits at some point. Materials were limited and this was a major limitation.

Most of the students joined the club for the wrong reasons. They thought it was a ticket to filed trips. Hence the meaning of the club was never fully enjoyed. Our club matron did her best to give us the best. But I hope we could have done much.

Importance of conservation education and awareness

  1. It will help shape the young generation in the right direction in issues regarding nature.
  2. It will promote creativity and critical thinking. Hence cultivating leadership qualities.
  3. It will promote understanding and appreciation of nature.
  4. Kids will be able to make sound decisions regarding their lifestyles from the beginning.
  5. It will promote the empowerment of both the kids and their tutors.
  6. It will help break the indoor habit be falling most kids.
  7. Nature heals and learning about it, will help improve academic achievement.
  8. This knowledge will help ensure that sustainability is observed.
  9. It will help eliminate the misconception surrounding conservation issues.

The list of benefits is endless…

They are never too young to be introduced to nature
They are never too young to be introduced to nature
Instead of gaming over the weekend they will go hiking
Instead of gaming over the weekend, they will go hiking
Introducing them to the healing power of nature
Introducing them to the healing power of nature
It will help them to embrace outdoor activities.
It will help them to embrace outdoor activities.
It will promote a strong bonds
It will promote strong bonds
It will promote togetherness
It will promote togetherness

A generation that understands and appreciates the importance of a healthy nature. Will help avoid making wrong decisions that harm the environment. The inventions and industrialization activities will be carried out with nature concerns in mind.

Curbing the negative human activities will be much easier. We will not have that generation that only knows animals from the screens of our TVs. A generation that embraces activities such as hiking, surfing, game drives, among others.

This may not be possible for all schools. For instance, in places where poverty is very high. It may be difficult to explain nature to a hungry kid. Or maybe suggest a game drive for such a baby.

In such cases, I think we can come together and be our brother’s keepers. The same way we come together and bring the essentials. We can top it up with a free trip to one of the nearest nature park.

Allow them to enjoy nature. Try to introduce the cheap ways we can promote nature.

I would love to know your thoughts…

8 thoughts on “Conservation Education and Awareness”

  1. Yes. Absolutely. Conservation and wildlife studies plus environmental activism studies should be a part of every curriculum both in Africa and the United States of America.
    Here in New York city where I live students are able to have internships in zoos and aquariums also Botanic Gardens. High school and College students. I love seeing the kids learning about wildlife, plants and the environment

    • That’s a great progress. In Kenya , conservation education is yet to be fully exploited. It will be a great deal once included in the education system.


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