The One-day events annually will not help much

The One-day events annually will not help much

The important world day annually continues to gain popularity, and more people continue to participate in them. We make great speeches, share how each one of us is doing to make our planet a better place. We share promises and support. And together, we agree that more needs to happen. Then we move on to … Read more

What do you need?

What do you need?

Minimalism is all about what you need. I was listening to the minimalist podcast, and he had a very brilliant idea on how to go about it. He said you should pack everything in your house like someone moving houses. Pack everything in boxes, then be removing only what you need to use. From there … Read more

Breathing clean air is quickly becoming a luxury

Breathing clean air is quickly becoming a luxury

Yesterday was the international day of clean air for blue skies. Where we got reminded how breathing clean air is quickly becoming a luxury. The day was filled with events, activities, webinars among others. Where different groups preached how they doing their best to make our atmosphere safe. From all the talk, you could wonder … Read more

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

With the shrinking wildlife spaces, and demand for human settlements. How can wildlife be conserved? Long gone are days when conservation areas were only found in less travelled road with low human population. A population that understood the importance to co-exist with the wildlife. They found ways to balance their needs, and rarely brushed shoulders … Read more

Wild Browser: Browse the web while you save animals

Wild Browser Browse the web while you save animals

Have you interacted with the browser yet? What is your experience? As we continue to become conscious of our activities and their effects on our planet. We continue to witness innovation and ideas, destined towards reducing our negative impacts. Our carbon footprints need curbing, and this needs us to go for eco-friendly options or at … Read more

Is Sustainable living Expensive?

Is Sustainable living Expensive

Is Sustainable living Expensive? How adaptable is it to most people, depending on where they are? It has a Yes and/or No answer. Depending on different factors. So whatever answer you have in mind, is correct. With these factors, one may wrongly judge others who differ in their opinion and way of life. Just like … Read more

The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

The struggle is real, but we keep doing our best. In the spirit of staying away from activities promoting climate change. I have been embracing a vegan diet. Since we all know what livestock farming is doing when it comes to greenhouse emissions. Am yet to be successful at 100%, trending at 40%. What has … Read more