To Many More Gardens

To Many More Gardens

A few months ago, my dream of having gardens at orphan centers was made doable. Thanks to the One Movement Fund, which provided the needed funds. While Young Muslims Association connected me to orphan centers. Unstable donations Most of the orphan centers rely on well-wishers and donors for their basic needs. Limited space makes it … Read more

COP26 should be the springboard

COP26 should be the springboard

COP is here with us again. COP26 should be the springboard that should push everyone in the right direction. At this point, all know what needs to be needed. Solutions to be embraced continue to be invested by individuals and few corporates that care for our planet. Too many and excellent policies continue to be … Read more

One of the first truths one learns in the rainforest is that there is nothing fainthearted or wimpy about plants.

One of the first truths one learns in the rainforest is that there is nothing fainthearted or wimpy about plants.

“In the rain forest, no niche lies unused. No emptiness goes unfilled. No gasp of sunlight goes untrapped. In a million vest pockets, a million life-forms quietly tick. No other place on earth feels so lush. Sometimes we picture it as an echo of the original Garden of Eden—a realm ancient, serene, and fertile, where … Read more

Can wildlife adapt to climate change?

Can wildlife adapt to climate change?

Can wildlife adapt to climate change? Have you ever thought of this question? Climate change has become part of our lives, and we continue to explore adaptations and mitigation measures as humans. How is wildlife adapting to these changes? Survival for the fittest As per Wikipedia “Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated … Read more

🤔Have you wondered what do we mean when we say #UprootTheSystem?

🤔Have you wondered what do we mean when we say #UprootTheSystem?

Find out about it! 🧵 With the call to #UprootTheSystem, the youth movement is putting a special highlight on the intersectional nature of the climate crisis. The current climate crisis is caused by The different systems of oppression (political, social, economic) that intersect and amplify the effects of climate change Uproot The System is the … Read more

The One-day events annually will not help much

The One-day events annually will not help much

The important world day annually continues to gain popularity, and more people continue to participate in them. We make great speeches, share how each one of us is doing to make our planet a better place. We share promises and support. And together, we agree that more needs to happen. Then we move on to … Read more

What do you need?

What do you need?

Minimalism is all about what you need. I was listening to the minimalist podcast, and he had a very brilliant idea on how to go about it. He said you should pack everything in your house like someone moving houses. Pack everything in boxes, then be removing only what you need to use. From there … Read more

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

How can wildlife be Conserved ?

With the shrinking wildlife spaces, and demand for human settlements. How can wildlife be conserved? Long gone are days when conservation areas were only found in less travelled road with low human population. A population that understood the importance to co-exist with the wildlife. They found ways to balance their needs, and rarely brushed shoulders … Read more

Are Wildlife Crossings Effective?

Are Wildlife Crossings Effective?

Are wildlife crossings effective, and have you noticed them in your adventures? The need for human settlement space has led to encroachment and the shrinking of conservation areas. Wildlife no longer has the huge bare land to enjoy. These human settlements have brought with them infrastructure among other developments. Sadly, most of these developments have … Read more